Thursday, October 03, 2024

But for all of the obstructions

by Pastor Bruce Macek
| April 3, 2020 1:00 AM

The view from our house looks east toward the Cabinets and encompasses the Scotchmans, Goat Mountain and Antelope Mountain.

We have numerous photos of this view from various times of the year. It’s beautiful and changes with the seasons. The glow from the winter sunset on the peaks causes me to stand outside and simply behold Him!

But when I want to admire the view of the Clark Fork valley there are several large cottonwood trees that block the view. Most often I find myself thinking that if those gnarly trees weren’t there how much better my view would be. No matter that they aren’t even on our property. It’s my view, right? I’ve even gone so far as to think of ways to remedy the problem. Inviting a herd of beaver from the lake below to move my way or praying for an epic windstorm to take care of those pesky trees. The truth of the matter is that those cottonwoods will be there a lot longer hindering my view than I’ll be looking out my window or standing on my deck. And besides, they hold unexpected and hard to see surprises like a perch for the owl that hunts the meadow and the large branches that hold the hawks nest. Is it possible for us to “see” a better view of the future with the obstacles at hand? What if the current hitch in the giddyup could be a part of shaping our future view of life?

Sometimes I’m limited in my understanding that there could be a better view of life if only those “cottonwoods” were out of the way. If only we had more money, better health, different circumstances or a change in venue. If it isn’t those trees it’s the low clouds that are the deterrent. What might our Heavenly Father have in store for us if only we were to see this pandemic not as a hindrance but rather an opportunity to move us off the decks of our own minds in order to get a different view or deeper understanding of what it means to walk with Him by faith in our community? What could be in store for us as we examine within and look outside ourselves to the needs around us?

Perhaps there is something for us and for others in the next few weeks , an as yet undiscovered truth for us to “get” and then to “give away”. So put our chainsaws away and pay attention to where, to Whom and to what He is leading us to.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart;

don’t try to figure everything out on your own.

Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;

He’s the one who will keep you on track.”

“The Message”, Eugene Peterson

Bruce Macek is pastor at Newman Community Bible Church, 9230 Sagle Road.