Thursday, October 03, 2024

Committee raises money for local playground

by Compiled Marylyn Cork
| April 8, 2020 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2000

Spartans take double-header

Spartan baseball players enjoyed sunny weather Saturday as they clinched two league victories from visiting Kellogg 7-0 in the first game, and 15-1 in the second that ended their double-header.

30 Years Ago — 1990

Centennial Trail to pass through

As part of Idaho’s 100th birthday, the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation is coordinating the route designation of the proposed Idaho Centennial Trail which will traverse the length of the state and pass through the Priest River Basin. The first segment of the route starts at the Canadian border, travels south through the basin to a point one mile west of Hoodoo Pass. On this section, all forms of trail use may occur, ranging from horseback to motorized trail bike.

40 Years Ago — 1980

Mill shutdown lays off 134

Approximately 134 men will lose their jobs Monday when the Diamond International lumber mill at Albeni Falls shuts down for six to eight weeks, according to plant manager Bob Nix. “The market’s just nosediving, Nix said. “It’s going down about $10 a thousand (board feet) per day.”

50 Years Ago — 1970

Council denies pollution

Major topic of discussion at the last city council meeting was the operation of the city dump. The council took issue with the latest reports that the dump was causing the waters of the Priest River to be contaminated. The city water is tested weekly by taking random samples from taps throughout the city, and all samples for many years past have been negative.

60 Years Ago — 1960

Workday held at Recreation Park

Boy Snouts and Cub Scouts under the leadership of Bob Keyser and Denny Gerow put in a good workday at the City Recreational Park (The Mudhole), east of town Sunday. Frank Parsons, Alvin Baker, and Les Runnels also helped. Broken bottles, tin cans, rocks and other debris were raked from the bathing beach in preparation for a new sanding. It was reported that considerable damage has been done by vandals to a section of the seats.

70 Years Ago — 1950

Displaced families to arrive soon

Prospects for the early arrival of the Ruklis and Mischenko families, displaced from Latvia, have increased. These families, sponsored through the Community Baptist church, are ready to leave Europe, and money for their transportation has been forwarded to Washington, D. C., by the local church. The First Baptist church of Newport has furnished $350, the donation being completed by a $200-dollar donation Sunday. Efforts will now be made to gather furniture and household equipment for the families, who are to live on farms in the Peninsula district.

80 Years Ago — 1940

Spring break brings them home

Spring vacation for college students has brought a number back to Priest River: Russell Hill, Leland Jones, Gary Elder, Marie McKee, Faith Sorenson, Quentin Larson, Lester Fulton, Fred Kondo, Donald Salesky, Dorothy Crunk, Eleanor Kerr, Alice Fulton and Russell Stewart.

90 Years Ago — 1930

Derrick improving herd

Oscar Derrick, living on the West Side, now has a herd of some 20 cattle, and with the addition of some grade stock, will soon have the foundation of a fine herd. Mr. Derrick, Frank Porter and Peter M. Bossio are among the more progressive ranchers to ship in Holstein grade calves during the past week.

100 Years Ago — 1920

Marshal resigns,

women raise funds

At the meeting of the city dads Monday night, city Marshal Gillaspie tendered his resignation.

The committee of women in charge of the Priest River Community Playground movement will give a dance and supper Saturday night at Wright’s Hall.