Thursday, October 03, 2024

‘From Here to Eternity’

by Pastor Dan York
| April 24, 2020 1:00 AM

Several years ago the idea for a poem and how it would begin came to me. The first line was quite clear and I worked out a few more lines, but was never satisfied with it. After years of ignoring it, I began working on it again last fall. By the end of October three stanzas were complete, but the poem was not. Shortly after the novel coronavirus began shutting things down, I thought of it again. This time the poem was completed. I call it “From Here to Eternity.”

Be done with lesser things,

The Lord your God obey.

His Word is Truth,

His truth is Life.

He’ll lead you all the way.

The great Good Shepherd, He,

His sheep He loves and feeds.

They know His voice,

They heed His call.

They follow where He leads.

The universe is His,

It’s vast expanse His plan.

Our sun is small,

The earth a speck.

How tiny, then, a man!

All life has come from Him,

But death and sin hold sway.

Each life, how brief,

But don’t miss this,

In Christ we live for aye.

Eternity is His,

And time His will obeys.

The Lord of space

And God of time

My soul shall always praise!

Pastor Dan York ministers at Dover Community Church.