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MCC, teen center taking part in Idaho Gives

| April 28, 2020 1:00 AM

Among the groups taking part in this year’s two-week Idaho Gives fundraising drive are the Sandpoint Teen Center and Memorial Community Center and Preschool in Hope.

Sandpoint Teen Center officials said their goal is to raise $4,500 to feed teens healthy food and mentor them through daily games, sports, cooking classes and many other activities.

As part of Idaho Gives, the group is challenging parents of teens that visit the center to donate $40 to support the food and positive programming that their teens love!

“At the Teen Center I like cooking, card games, food, the people, games, you can make new friends, bowling and pool,” said one teen.

Another: “I love to play the games and hang out with my friends”

And still another: “At the Teen Center I like all the staff, the tolerable kids, playing games and cards, talking with friends, the delicious food, Joan, Kristi, Lynn, Jared, the nice people, bowling, pool, air hockey, chairs”

While not open during the state’s stay-at-home order, the Sandpoint Teen Center is open every day after school, serving healthy food, teen mentorship and challenging activities. Teen visits were strong than ever in February 2020 averaging 30-50 teens per afternoon. The Sandpoint Teen Center serves over 3,000 teen visits each year. Teens come to the Teen Center for a safe place to make new friends, play games and learn new skills.

Teen mentoring through positive relationships between teens and adults is the basis of all our activities at the Sandpoint Teen Center, the center’s Joan Avery said.

“We train our staff and volunteers to build relationships, provide support, teach new skills and foster a fun and positive atmosphere. Through fun and educational activities our teens make friends, practice healthy socializing, learn new skills and most importantly have fun in a safe environment after school,” she said.

Teen mentoring is important in Bonner County, which has the second highest rate of teen suicide in Idaho, according to Kids Count, Avery said. “Studies say that it takes just one important relationship in a teen’s life to decrease their risk of suicide, addiction and school drop out.”

Nutritious food after school and kitchen/cooking skills are a big need that the center fills for Bonner County teens. At the middle and high schools within walking distance of the teen center, 29% to 60% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch. “A lot of teens depend on free breakfast and lunch at school and the healthy food after school at our Teen Center to meet their daily food needs,” she said.

To donate, go online to the center’s Facebook page or the Idaho Gives website.

Also taking part in the annual fundraising campaign is the Memorial Community Center and Preschool in Hope. MCC hopes to raise $10,000 during this two-week fundraising, which began April 23 and ends May 7.

“If you believe as we do that it is essential for the health and wellness of our community to continue to have a place to gather to learn, create, and play together than please help us by participating in this event,” said the center’s Carolyn Speelmon.

While the past few months have been challenging, center officials are optimistic that when the stay-at-home orders are lifted, they will emerge stronger than ever. The center’s preschool has already received calls from interested parents about its fall class and MCC’s steering committee can’t wait to begin implementing new programs and opening the doors for the continuation of the many popular activities presently on hold.

Nearly 600 Idaho Nonprofit organizations hope to raise both money and awareness throughout the two-week event. Idaho Gives has elected not to have a monetary goal this year; rather, the focus is on engaging more Idaho donors, Idaho Nonprofit Center President and CEO Amy Little said.

Idaho Gives began April 23 and will continue for two full weeks, ending on May 7. Donations will be accepted online at — search for the name of the group to which you would like to donate — or by phone at 1-877-ID-Gives, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the two weeks. Donors, supporters and nonprofits are encouraged to post photos and talk about their favorite causes across social media using the hashtag #IdahoGives.

A variety of community partners help fund the Idaho Gives award pool. These prizes will be given to nonprofits throughout the day and give donors an opportunity for their donations to have an even greater impact. A list of prizes and details about when they will be drawn can be found on the Idaho Gives prize page.

All prizes are from the Idaho Gives Award Pool, which is funded by George and Bev Harad, A.J. and Susie Balukoff, the Micron Foundation, Idaho Power, Zelham, HD Insurance, WAFD Insurance Group, Sue Fillman, John Rushe, Doug Colewell, Leadership Boise Class of 2020, and Idaho Community Foundation.

Idaho Gives is a program of the Idaho Nonprofit Center and is underwritten by Idaho Central Credit Union, Regence BlueShield of Idaho, Idaho National Laboratory, and KTVB.

Additional details and events may be viewed at Donors, supporters and nonprofits are encouraged to post photos and talk about their favorite causes across social media using the hashtag #IdahoGives.