Thursday, October 10, 2024

County approves $100K for Priest Lake projects

News editor | August 19, 2020 1:00 AM

PRIEST LAKE — Bonner County commissioners agreed on Thursday to chip in another $100,000 to help pay for improvements to the Outlet Bay Dam, install an impervious breakwater at the Thorofare and conduct dredging, according to Road & Bridge Director Steve Klatt.

“The bids came in at an acceptable rate, but when all of the costs of the Priest Lake Thorofare and the dam project were put together, they truly busted the budget when you added in design, engineering, construction costs and construction management costs,” Klatt said.

The Idaho Legislature approved $2.4 million for the suite of projects, but Klatt said the Idaho Department of Water Resources found it was coming up short once all of the hard costs were factored in.

Klatt said a low bidder has emerged to heighten the gate structures at the Outlet Bay Dam so it can hold back more water.

The spillway is also being reconstructed, Klatt said.

There are also low bidders for the new breakwater and dredging the navigation channel at the north end of Priest Lake.

Some of the dredged material will be used to fortify the stone breakwater, which will be constructed of rip-rap.

“It’ll be basically a low-profile stone breakwater but it will armored with rip-rap on the outside walls,” said Klatt.

There was concern that ice would displace the rip-rap, although Klatt doubts it will be going anywhere once it’s placed.

“You’re talking about 3- to 4-foot rock being placed on the face so it’s not likely to go anywhere,” he said.

In addition to the additional $100,000 from the county, members of the Priest Lake community have committed an additional $25,000, according to the county.

Work on the dam and breakwater is slated to start in October, Klatt said.

Keith Kinnaird can be reached by email at and follow him on Twitter @KeithDailyBee.


(Image courtesy IDAHO WATER RESOURCES) This satellite image shows the location of a new breakwater and the Thorofare at Priest Lake.