Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Bonner County History - Aug. 25, 2020

| August 25, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Aug. 25, 1970 — PROUDLY WE SALUTE

Major Donald Bossio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley, Priest River, received his third award of the Army Commendation Medal in ceremonies at Ent Air Force Base, Colo. Maj. Bossio earned the award for meritorious service as a training officer.

Lt. (j.g.) Maurice W. Battey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Battey, Star Rte., was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service as commanding officer in Vietnam.



Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. Smith were honored guests at a surprise party, given by their children, Dan Smith and Mrs. Lena Miller, Aug. 1, in their home, for their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. Smith landed on Omaha beach in June 1944, was wounded at St. Lo and hospitalized in England. He later returned to Normandie, where he met Josiane Regine Restout. They were married Aug. 4, 1945, in Grandcamp, France.



Tom Robideaux and Ron Shaffer, both of Coeur d’Alene, will assume ownership of Williams Motors from Ralph Williams. Robideaux will move his family to Sandpoint about Sept. 1 and spend the month renovating and painting the Cadillac, Buick and Pontiac agency in preparation for an Oct. 1 grand opening. The firm will open as Alpine Motors Co.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Aug. 25, 1920 — HEALTH MENACES

The report to the City Council by Miss Hedwig Djupe, city health nurse, that a manure pile near Euclid and Superior menaced health, as well as a pile of junk and rubbish on a lot near the City garage, and the carcasses of a couple of dead dogs, was left to the health and sanitation committee for action.



Two actions of importance were taken up at Monday’s city council meeting, when sidewalks were ordered constructed in sections of the city outside the district where concrete walks are required and when it was decided to enforce the sewer connection ordinance now on the books. The walks are to be built of wood, according to specifications, or of concrete, if the owners desire cement or concrete walks instead of wood. Those not connected with the sewer will be given 60 days to comply with the ordinance or face charges. The penalty is a fine of from $5 to $100.



Fire Chief George Buchanan issued an ultimatum for all property holders within the city’s fire limits whereby they will be compelled to remove weeds from vacant lots and around improved property. Buchanan said weeds become a fire hazard when dry and their removal will be forced.

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