Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Fire damages PR mill

by Compiled
| August 26, 2020 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2000

Long-time custodian retires

By choice, Jan Wear is holding her own retirement party at the VFW hall so “everybody could come.” Wear served Priest River Elementary for over 22 years, working under three principles, Roy Krogh, Charlie Maines and, most recently Tony Feldhausen. Originally, she worked a split shift of four hours at Priest River Junior High and four at PRE. She enjoyed her job because she “loves kids.”

30 Years Ago — 1990

I-beam plant to open

The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation’s new I-beam plant east of Priest River will be cranking out product within a month, according to Frank Steenvoorden, L-P operations manager.

The facility has been under construction on property adjacent to L-P’s lumber mill since April, and represents a $3 million-plus venture by the company. The plant will produce 50 million lineal feet of I-beams annually, used in home construction that represents a new trend within the timber industry.

40 Years Ago — 1980

Drill team rates “Superior’

Priest River High School’s Spartanette drill team received a Superior rating, scoring 17 points out of a possible 18, during a drill team camp at Moscow that drew participants from several western states and Canada, instructor Judy Oscarson reported. Spartanettes judged on performance included Amgela Fairchild, Lori Stewart, Karen Kraemer, Lori Oscarson, Betsey Guthrie and Chantal Gregory.

50 Years Ago — 1970

Fire damages Geaudreau mill

Sparks from a lift truck ignited a fire which consumed a barn, shop and 60,000 board feet of lumber at the Geaudreau Lumber Co. Mill on the Blanchard road, Aug. 13.

60 Years Ago — 1960

Fisherman drowns in Priest Lake

A 79-year-old Coeur d’ Alene man apparently drowned Friday while fishing alone on wind-whipped Priest Lake. Bonner County Sheriff Don Maynard said Fred Lundemo apparently was pitched out of his boat while filling the outboard motor. Deputies found the empty craft floating on the lake, the motor tipped up, the funnel still in the tank and the gasoline can knocked over on the floor of the boat.

70 Years Ago — 1950

Fire danger high, berrying still good

Reports from the Falls Ranger Station reported dangerously dry timber and, at Stone Johnny, a fire danger of Class 75, the highest for the year, on Tuesday. All regular lookout stations are manned with crews on the alert. Ranger Meneely said no forest closures are anticipated at the present, although a critical situation exists in all forest fuels and curing vegetation.

Huckleberries are still good on Gisborne, Stone Johnny, and North Baldy high ground in the Priest Lake country.

80 Years Ago — 1940

Shot at on Pine Creek

J. F. Minnick, operator of the Farmer Jones Mine on Pine Creek, was shot at as he was returning to the mine Thursday evening. The bullet, from a high-powered rifle, passed through his car window, only a few inches in front of his face.

90 Years Ago — 1930

Impressive oats

A sample bundle of oats, cut at random from his field, was brought in by Jack Will. No effort was made to secure the highest straws and yet the grain is nearly six feet tall.

100 Years Ago — 1920

Will drain solve problem?

The council has decided to place a wooden drain across High Street. Every time it rains the water comes down the hill along Wisconsin, turns the corner and continues on its way to Main Street. It floods the corner in front of the meat market and bank building. Installing a drain at the first corner should lead the water down Wisconsin and prevent the flooding.