Sunday, March 16, 2025

Rallies, demonstrations and thoughts on history and politics

| August 27, 2020 1:00 AM

Once again, we see a demonstration at the courthouse in the afternoon of Aug. 1.

This time, apparently there was no armed militia to protect the peaceful protesters from radical right outside agitators. What a sham … uh, shame. So what did one see when driving by those that waved their signs and flags at passing cars? Defaced American flags with a blue stripe. Contact the American Legion or the VFW and ask their position on modifying the country’s flag to fit a political position.

Then there was a Confederate battle flag. The flag that represents traitors to the union, slavery and oppression which should never be displayed or flown alongside the American flag.

Of course one saw Trump campaign signs, someone who calls everything that doesn’t fit in with his view as a fake or hoax. Like the Russian bounty put on our soldiers in the Middle East. Or for calling for the election to be postponed although it never has been in the nearly two-and-a-half centuries of the country’s history. Even during wars and the 1919 Spanish flu pandemic or the Civil War has the election been postponed. What can one expect from Mr. Trump who knows he’s going to lose and is desperate? Even the little darling Mitch McConnell knows the election won’t be delayed.

Look, I’m a realist. I know that Idaho will turn out for Trump in three months. But as I observe the actions of the radical right, I wonder why they know the symbolism of the United States, but not the substance. Folks, there’s more to being an American than waving the flag and shouting “USA.” There is morality, respect for authority if they’ve not abused that authority, nor disenfranchising people at the ballot box because some demographic doesn’t think certain people will favor their candidates. Not by using the military to further a certain political agenda as with that walk across Pennsylvania Avenue to hold up a Bible … upside down.

I could go on, but the point is made. History was one of my subjects and I see an unsettling parallel between the radical right Trump supporters and early 1930s Hitler supporters in Germany.

My father fought in World War II. I suspect the fathers and grandfathers of many of those protesting Aug. 1 fought in the war as well.

This flash-in-the-pan president is not worth flushing that sacrifice down the toilet. Yes, I am a moderate Democrat, (yeah, dirty word). But if we had to have a Republican president, why couldn’t it have been Mitt Romney? I disagree with him on many issues, but he is a true patriot and would have made a good president.



P.S. I wrote this letter after seeing the “rally” on Aug. 1. Upon reflection, I initially thought it would be simply irrelevant. However, there were two letters in the Daily Bee since then that made me change my mind. One a total fabrication by Eric Keil and another pointing out McDonald’s attitude in relationship to “Love Lives Here” signs. While I still think this letter will do little if any good, I stand by it. I would also point out as others have, that while I do not agree with the move to abolish law enforcement, it does need major reform.