Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Bonner County History - Dec. 22, 2020

| December 22, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Dec. 22, 1970 – ENGAGEMENT TOLD

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Owen of Chatham, Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Elaine, to Lt. Arthur K. Rosenboom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rosenboom, Sandpoint. Miss Owen is a senior at Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia where she is a June candidate for a degree in mathematics. Lt. Rosenboom, a graduate of the University of Idaho, is stationed with the U.S. Marine Corps at Ft. Sill, Okla. A June wedding is planned.



Mrs. Robert Caughey was hostess to the Mountain View Extension Club’s Christmas dinner. Secret Sisters were revealed with a gift exchange and new secret sister names were drawn. Mrs. Malcolm Fredstrom and Mrs. Don Dundon brought cookies for Operation Sweettooth.



At Monday’s meeting of Martha Chapter No. 34, O.E.S., at the Masonic Temple, Margie Pennington was presented her 50-year pin from the chapter by Dora Pennington, along with a life membership. After the annual family Christmas potluck dinner, a visitor from the North Pole arrived and passed out treats to everyone. Eunice Perks gave a reading of the Christmas Story and carols were sung.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

Dec. 22, 1920 – TREE IS ON AGAIN

A little hitch never puts Sandpoint out of commission in any undertaking for the public good and if she can’t do a thing one way, she goes at it and does it another. A day or two ago it was reported that the municipal Christmas tree was likely to be dropped, as there were no colored globes in the city with which to decorate it. The Chamber of Commerce asked the Spokane chamber for help and that body agreed, so the tree will become a reality and shine in all its beauty on the Central school grounds. A thousand bags of nuts and candies will gladden the kiddies and the school children will sing old-fashioned Christmas carols. In this fine idea of giving the children of Sandpoint a good time this Christmas season, the Elks, Civic club, Chamber of Commerce and city council have gotten together and when they get together, something is going to be done. The tree will be a fine one, the telephone company and the electric light company will erect the tree and string it with lights, the school children will assist in making the tree beautiful and the ladies of the civic club assisted by Miss Djupe, school welfare nurse, will arrange a program that will warm the cockles of your heart and take you back to your own childhood days when Christmas was the happiest day in the year. Let’s all be there and help the children to make it the gladdest Christmas season Sandpoint has ever had.

For more information, visit the museum online at bonnercountyhistory.org.