Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Winter snow, cold brings happy hearts

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| December 30, 2020 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2000

Bennett and Negle honored

Mike Schaff, president of the Priest River Chamber of Commerce, presented Darlene Bennett with a plaque as Citizen of the Year. Martin Negle received the President’s Award.

30 Years Ago — 1990

Cold blows in customers

Some people have had problems starting their cars due to weather, but the arctic air that recently blew into Priest River didn’t freeze up business at Lyle’s Chevron Service. “You bet we are!” exclaimed Steve Stewart, an employee, when asked if the workers were keeping busy during the below freezing days.

40 Years Ago — 1980

Same now as then

The many terrible events that have occurred in the world over the past several months should make it obvious that not everyone believes in “Peace on Earth; Good Will to Men” — the universal slogan of the Christmas season. It is sad to see that so many people value human life so lowly.

50 Years Ago — 1970

Mrs. Santa Claus rewarded

Ruth Treat, Priest River’s Mrs. Santa Claus, was overwhelmingly surprised on Sunday evening when approximately 40 friends gathered at her home with a huge box. Inside was a KitchenAid dishwasher and a garbage disposal unit, a gift from a great many friends who wanted to show her their gratitude for her years of unstinting effort on behalf of the poor of the community.

60 Years Ago — 1960

Ralph’s Club gutted by fire

Fire, apparently caused by defective wiring, gutted Ralph’s Club early Monday, Dec. 26. Don Fiedler, night policeman, spotted the fire as he was making his tour of duty and turned in the alarm at 2 a.m. The fire was also spotted about the same time by Mrs. Ray McDowell, a neighborhood resident, who called fire chief Don Van VanVleet. Flames were shooting across the highway when the fire department arrived.

70 Years Ago — 1950

Flowers think it’s spring

The unusually warm and rainy weather has been the basis for most conversations lately, but Mrs. Laura LeFabreve brought proof that spring has somehow lost her way, into the Times Tuesday morning. Mrs. LeFabvre had picked a few pansies and violas from her garden. Both were in full bloom and the pansy stem contained several buds where were ready to open.

80 Years Ago — 1940

Freak fall in river closes sawmill

A freakish fall in the waters of the Pend Oreille River, a drop of 22 inches that brought the stage down to 2.5 feet below the normal low water mark, was responsible for shutting down the Diamond Match sawmill Wednesday and also the mill at Cusick. The lowering of the water made it impossible to get logs to the slip. Cause of the fluctuation may have been due to ice gorges, or possibly the closing of gates in the power plants at Thompson Falls and Polson.

90 Years Ago — 1930

Everyone turned out

Everybody and their kiddies turned out to see the Community Christmas tree. After all the little ones got their treat, all others between the ages 12 and 90 were lined up to run the gauntlet and get their bag of candy, orange and apple. The large tree, standing in the middle of the street all lighted up, was a sight to see.

100 Years Ago — 1920

Snow and cold bring happy hearts

The snow and cold days of the past week have not only brought joy to the loggers, who can now proceed in earnest with their winter’s work, but it has also gladdened the hearts of all the youngsters fortunate to possess a sled. Every available hill in the city after school hours is covered with coasters, and the happy shouts attest to the fact that they are enjoying themselves to the utmost.