Friday, October 04, 2024

Bonner County History - Feb. 16, 2020

| February 16, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Feb. 16, 1970 – SENIOR HIGH NEWS

A new library aide, Anne Eitzman, has started working during third hour.

Lessons in classical guitar are currently being given to band and choir members by Mr. Russell Whalen, director of both organizations. The sessions, in which about 15 students are taking part, are held at noon in the band room.



American Lutheran Church Women met in the church hall with Mrs. Dale Lange, Mrs. James Nelson, Mrs. Ed Nordgaarden and Mrs. Orville Grorud, hostesses. Mrs. Steve Tillberg, education chairman, had charge of the program.

Tabitha Circle announced its project for the year will be the American Indian Foster Home; Naomi Circle will sew for the Coeur d’Alene Homes, Luther Haven Camp and Sandpoint Manor.



Bonner County Sportsmen’s Assn. Thursday selected Lou Rahskopf as winner of the annual Barbour award for outstanding service to sportsmen and conservation principles. A semi-retired businessman, Rahskopf was cited for having contributed greatly to wildlife conservation and the welfare of the association for many years. His son-in-law, Clarence Reed, and member, Leo Hadley, were also proposed for the honor.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Feb. 16, 1920 – CITY BREVITIES

Father James Kelly left Sunday on a several weeks’ visit to his old home in Philadelphia. Prior to his departure, the members of his Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry congregations presented him with a purse of money, to aid in the expenses of his journey, as a token of their respect for him. During Fr. Kelly’s absence the work of his parish will be attended to by Father Ryan of Spokane.



Fresh Milch Cow for Sale, Inquire 303 N. Boyer.

Wanted – School girl to assist with housework; wages paid in addition to board.

For Sale – Four-room house, partly furnished; two lots, $750. Call 514 N. Ella or Phone 185-W.

For Sale – A 1918 model Ford; all new tires, shock absorbers; $450. M.J. Sundset, Cocolalla.



Mrs. S. Hammer and daughter are seriously ill at the City hospital in Sandpoint with pneumonia following a case of the influenza. The remainder of the Hammer family are ill at their home in Kootenai.

Miss Agnes Anderson, a Spokane nurse, who has been caring for Mrs. A.C. Bonner, went to Sandpoint Tuesday to care for Mrs. S. Hammer.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nesbitt at their home in Kootenai.

Miss Lucile McAndrews, one of the teachers in the school here, is ill.

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