Sunday, October 13, 2024

Forestry cost sharing workshop announced

| February 18, 2020 1:00 AM

Most Idaho forests will be healthier and more likely to meet landowners’ objectives with some stand treatments, such as thinning or tree planting.

Many forest owners do this work themselves, but for people who have large numbers of acres to treat, it is often essential to get some help to do the work. In addition to labor, many treatments also require financial resources, to pay for tree seedlings, stream crossing structures, etc. Most of the treatments that family forest owners make have public benefits, such as reduced fire risk. So, public and non-governmental organizations often make financial assistance available to support forest improvements.

On Saturday March 7, University of Idaho Extension is offering a morning program designed to answer forest owners’ most common questions about these programs and help them apply for them. The program will include an introduction to the scope of forestry cost share programs, a panel of Idaho Master Forest Stewards who have successfully made forest treatments using these programs, and presentations from agency personnel and contractors to help family forest owners successfully navigate cost-sharing programs.

The program will be held on Saturday, March 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the University of Idaho UI Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center, 10881 N. Boyer Road.

Those wishing to participate should pre-register by Friday, Feb. 28 at the University of Idaho Extension office in Bonner County. A $10 registration fee covers resource materials and refreshments. For registration questions, contact the University of Idaho Extension Office in Bonner County at 208-263-8511. Registration forms can also be downloaded at and mailed in with payment. The program is co-sponsored by University of Idaho Extension, the Idaho Department of Lands, and the USDA Forest Service.