Friday, October 04, 2024

Redemption story is alive with victory, God's promise

by Carol Shirk Knapp Contributing Writer
| February 26, 2020 12:00 AM

This week is the beginning of the 40 days of Lent that precede Easter. It is, for Christians, a time for remembering the sacrifices Jesus made on behalf of the world.

Everyone has a decision to make about what to believe regarding the existence of God — even if that leads to a maybe, or a no thanks, or a yes but I don’t care. For those who answer yes, and I do care — there is still a maze to navigate because there are all kinds of ideas about what God is like and how to get on the good side of such a being, which can get very complicated.

For me, the Bible brings God into focus. It says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” And expands to say, “… all things came into being through Him.” How did this happen? God spoke.

But then this Creator voice becomes personal — “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us …”

God came in the person of Jesus to live among His own creation. Why would He want to do this? To limit Himself this way, to sorrow and suffer in the human condition, to put Himself in the hands of unpredictable people.

The “Greatest Story Ever Told” says it was to reunite humankind with God. To show that God is not only knowable, but knows and loves each one of us — and with His own life longs to bring us into a welcoming family relationship with Him.

At the close of Lent comes the crucifixion of Jesus — the giving of His physical life for the forgiveness of sins. The sinless Savior dying to take sin away. Sin is something the Bible says is common to human nature — not part of God’s design but the result of individual choices. It is what keeps people from closeness with God.

So Lent becomes an intentional time for followers of Jesus to draw near to God. To ask forgiveness for wrongs. To allow God to work hopeful change in us. To return love to Him. To love each other as He showed us.

The Bible tells a magnificent story of God as rescuer of His creation. It is a redemption story alive with victory in the Easter resurrection of Jesus — and His promise of life and joy unstoppable for all who believe in Him.

This is the God I want for my life.