Saturday, October 05, 2024

Finding peace in times of turmoil

by Bruce Macek
| January 10, 2020 12:00 AM

In a world of 7.7 billion people there seems to be no end to the ever growing list of concerns that cause turmoil in our lives.

Today there are numerous civil unrests and the attempts to suppress basic civil rights. There are wars and rumors of war. There are divisive politics and overpowering dictatorships and regimes. There are diseases, starvations, persecutions, droughts, floods, and catastrophic fires.

On top of this are those who exploit and take advantage of the vulnerable. In our own “worlds” there are strained family relationships, job insecurities and our own health issues that can push the anxiety meter to the red line.

As I write this the Middle East is again in the headlines. My mutual fund is sure to take a hit. By the time you read this, who knows what’s next.

With the world the way it is and fear is banging on our door one has to ask, what kind of a message would be suitable for the refugee in Sudan as well for us right here?

We all need a message of hope, encouragement, comfort as well as timeless truths. Words that may not be easy to put into action but words that make sense and can change the way we see our chaotic world.

Were it not for personal experience and the experiences of many others, right about now I would feel like a salesman wanting to close the sale based on shallow promises.

That being said, this is where many of us find peace in a tumultous world.

We have a relational God who has plans for our welfare and not for our calamity to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

Our God wants us to not be anxious to instead cast all our anxieties on Him becaues he cares for us (Philippians 4:6-9).

The mere thought of His lovingkindness holding us and up consoles our soul in times of distress (Psalms 4:17-19).

The words of God stand forever (Isaiah 40:8).

God is our strength. We are fooling ourselves thinking we can stand on our own in all this turmoil (Isaiah 12:2).

We have peace with God through faith in Christ (Romans 5:1).

May I suggest, urge and plead with you to allow all of the words of God not just these few mentioned, to penetrate and take up residence in our hearts.

Trusting in the Lord is a long-term way of life. It’s not just an overnight visit. May we be found ruthlessly trusting in God for His peace in these times of turmoil.

Bruce Macek is pastor at Newman Community Bible Church, 9230 Sagle Road, in Sagle.