Friday, October 04, 2024

We are called to be disciples of Christ

by Pastor Jim Kubiak
| January 31, 2020 12:00 AM

As Christians we are called to be disciples (followers) of Christ. But what does it mean to be a disciple?

We can learn much of what it means to be a disciple by examining the cultural context of the time as well as the four Gospel accounts (i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

Jesus utilized the discipleship system employed by Jewish rabbi’s (teachers) of His day.

In this system, a talmid (the Hebrew word for disciple) studied with a rabbi for a lengthy, very intense and personal time of learning. They often left home and traveled with the rabbi. Only the best students of the educational system were afforded the opportunity to be become talmid.

Some sought permission to “follow” a rabbi, while others were invited by the rabbi to “follow” him. In either case, a talmid was evaluated on his commitment and potential to become like the rabbi before being selected or accepted. Once the talmid reached the place of being as much like his teacher as possible, he was in turn commissioned to become a disciple maker (rabbi).

Evidence that Jesus utilized this same system of discipleship is illustrated in the four Gospel accounts. His disciples were to be like Him (Mark 3:13-15), they were to “follow” Him (Mark 1:16-20), they were to live according to His teaching (John 8:31), they were to imitate Him (John 13:13-15, Luke 9:1-2,6), they were to make everything else secondary to being His disciple (Luke 14:26) and they were commissioned to make disciples when they became like Him (Matt 28:18-20).

The only area in which His disciples were not like the talmidin is that they didn’t qualify according to the Jewish educational system. His disciples had not made the cut. Jesus’ basis of selection had more to do with what He knew He could do in them if they chose to yield their hearts to Him.

Becoming like the rabbi is a major focus of the life of the talmidin. This is what we are called to do as disciples of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).

He knows what He can accomplish in and through you. He knows that He can instruct, empower and fill you with His Spirit so that you can be like Him. Will you choose to be with Him, to follow Him, to live by His teachings, to imitate Him and to make everything else secondary to being His disciple so that you too can become like Him and become one whom others will follow?

Jim Kubiak is interim senior pastor at Harvest Valley Worship Center, a refuge for healing and a launchpad for transformation. He can be reached at