Thursday, October 03, 2024

Forget your old excuses, just have fun exercising

| July 15, 2020 1:00 AM

I often hear people say they “hate” exercise.

Sometimes I wonder if what they meant is they hate the expectation of long hours of organized exercise for the rest of their lives.

Gym memberships make some people cringe … then there are others like me — who couldn’t imagine a lifestyle without the clanking of the weights.

Let’s face it, life is crazy busy these days … I know, I’ve been there. When I was a single mom and the boys still lived at home, more often than not, I would find myself at the grocery store at 8 p.m.

Now that the excuses are made … you know some exercise each day is good for us — actually, it’s vital for good health — and it doesn’t have to be an awful chore we must face each day — it can be easy, customized and fit into your busy schedules too. And remember, to start with, any kind of movement can be considered exercise.

Around the house, put some music on while you clean or cook. Take short breaks to dance to songs you really enjoy. Music and dancing can enhance your mood as well as burn a few calories.

No room for to set up and follow an exercise DVD routine in your home? Turn off the TV and go for a walk around the block after dinner.

Make exercise a social event. Two or three times a week, make a date to take a brisk walk with a friend, neighbor, your kids or spouse. It’s a great time to catch up on news or fun gossip while you’re relieving stress and moving for your health. Exercise classes with co-workers and friends can also be a wonderful addition to your routine — great music, goofy instructors and movement are always a good mix.

When you go anywhere, park further away from your destination so that you get some walking exercise to and from your car.

There is a sign on the side of the road as you enter Sandpoint that reads: This is a walking town … gee, what a concept.

You will see and feel the results in your physique, your energy levels and on the scale.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness trainer and can be reached at