Thursday, October 03, 2024

Bonner County History - June 7, 2020

| June 7, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

June 7, 1970 – SUPERIOR CADET

John L. Rohrbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Rohrbach, Sandpoint, was recently presented the Superior Cadet Award at the U of I. The annual award to a freshman ROTC cadet is based on military and academic scholarship, leadership and proven qualities of discipline and character.



The Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission approved preliminary plats of four proposed county subdivisions totaling 189 lots. Two of the plats are on the Hope Peninsula. A 40-lot plat known as La Bahla del Sol, was part of the Sam Owen property. An adjacent 30-lot development is on property formerly owned by the late Maj. Lawrence Acres, who was killed in Vietnam. Also getting preliminary approval was the 46-lot Campbell Brothers Estates adjacent to the recently approved Laclede Shores. The fourth plat, the 73-lot Come Back Bay, is Commissioner James Brockway’s development on Fry Creek.



The new Bonner County Community Shelter Plan (CPS) provides for people to make use of fallout protection in their home basements in the event of nuclear attack, according to James Bixler, County Civil Defense director. The Department of Defense has found that homes with basements offer much better protection than was realized even a few years ago.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

June 7, 1920 – CITY BREVITIES

The Little Mothers’ club, a class of school girls being taught by health nurse Miss Hedwig Djupe, met and made patterns for infant layettes.

The Humbird mill team won its first baseball game from Clarksfork Sunday, 9 to 5, with Sells and McCracken doing the team’s battery work.

The Duncan family, 610 Main, was quarantined for smallpox when six-year old Dorothy was found suffering from this disease.

About 40 Sandpoint people went to Newport Memorial day to see the ball game, won by Sandpoint. A half dozen autos drove to the game while a large number of others went by train.

The northwest gasoline shortage has not been seriously felt locally. Sandpoint auto dealers have a good supply of gas on hand and no restrictions as to quantity sold have so far been demanded.



Mrs. Myrtle Powell and daughter have been spending a few days in Sandpoint where Miss Powell has been under the care of a dentist, having had a number of her teeth lanced.



Compton White of Clarksfork reported that a contract was completed Monday with a Spokane firm to put in the first 1,000 feet of a contemplated 2,000-foot tunnel on the Clarinda mine.

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