Thursday, October 03, 2024

Bonner County History - June 18, 2020

| June 18, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

June 18, 1970 – EIGHTH GRADE GRADS

Kootenai school held a graduation ceremony June 3, with Principal G.H. Phillips handing out the diplomas. Promoted to the ninth grade and Sandpoint Junior High were Sheila Ostrum, Peggy Holbert, Theresa Travers, Monica Travers, Le Ann Roberson, Bobby Inman, Brian Berger, Randy Kohal, Guy Marks and Starla Rigby.



Sandpoint’s new Leo club will receive its charter Thursday during a meeting at the Pastime Cafe, with 29 teenagers listed. Joe Robinson is club president; Kent Lyons, vice-president; Debbie Haugse, secretary, and Sharon Bolstad, treasurer.



Some months ago, we carried the story of Paul Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Davis (723 Church), who is allergic to ordinary pets, but not to reptiles. His parents obtained a boa in Spokane and the two foot long snake spent several months in the Davis home. As Sam grew larger and hungrier, he needed larger quarters and was moved to the Seattle Zoo. But at least, Paul could occasionally go see his former pet. Paul has undoubtedly seen the last of Sam, as he is now a world traveler. It seems a curator of the London Zoo was in Seattle and decided Sam was what he wanted. He swapped several other live reptiles for Sam and took the growing snake, now almost seven feet long, back to London.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

June 18, 1920 – NEWS FROM SELLE

Mrs. Haugse and children moved last week near the camp, where Mr. Haugse is employed.

Miss Lee held another meeting last week which was not very well attended.

Helmer and Martin Sletager, Mr. Henderson and Mr. Grenden were home visitors from camp for Sunday.



Miss Djupe has moved her office into the frame school building near the Central school and the Chamber of commerce has taken possession of the room (in City hall) vacated by Miss Djupe.



There was business galore at the adjourned council meeting Wednesday night, going until 11 o’clock, and even at that the slate was not cleaned and another adjourned meeting was scheduled for Friday. The session was in the council room instead of the engineer’s office and that will continue to be the place of meeting until the reopening of school at least, when the room may possibly be used again for school purposes. The band was practicing during the evening in the engineer’s room, but the business of council proceeded in spite of the counter attraction.

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