Thursday, October 03, 2024

What’s the problem?

by Pastor Jerry Favor
| June 19, 2020 1:00 AM

The problem with the riots, the chaos, the anger, the hate, the racism on both sides is not new, it has been around us since the beginning of time, it is sin.

The problem is not who is more worthy or guilty than another. What unifies all races is that we are all equally unworthy before God. We are all sinners with pride, arrogance, and bitterness, who need to be forgiven by Jesus.

In the eyes of God he doesn’t care about our past, good or bad, our race, he sees as he created us, all one race, the human race. As the song goes, red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight.

The answer to the division in our nation is not to loot, riot, scream obscenities at each other, cast blame. The answer is to listen to each other, to have compassion on each other, love each other even when we disagree. It is an Orwellian state of affairs when there is only one view tolerated, only one side accepted, only one opinion allowed. The mark of a mature society is that we can talk our way through problems, allow justice to work, not be afraid to entertain others views.

My prayer for our community is that we never treat someone rudely because of their skin color, that we honor and respect our law enforcement officers and always give them the benefit of the doubt before we try them by mob rule, that we honor our political leaders and pray for them to lead with wisdom. I pray that we see a return to biblical morality and faith in Christ. That we follow the life of Christ and love God with all of our hearts and love those around us better than ourselves. That my friend is our only hope but it is a sure and blessed hope.

Pastor Jerry Favor is pastor of Victory Church, 602 Gun Club Road in Sagle.