Friday, July 26, 2024

Commissioner’s actions raise many questions

| June 21, 2020 1:00 AM

In the June 3, 2020, issue of the Bee was an article: “Students, young adults peacefully protest racism.”

In that article was this: “Milling close by were a group of adult Second Amendment proponents, Three Percenters and Oath Keepers. Many were armed with semiautomatic rifles on slings and holstered sidearms.

Bonner County Commission Chairman Dan McDonald went on social media to mobilize his conservative base “to help counter anything that might get out of hand.”

A question for McDonald, these people of the Second Amendment proponents, Three Percenters and Oath Keepers you brought in from outside the area, how were they going to use their guns if things got “out of hand?” What use would their guns be if things got “out of hand?” Were those guns there to be used if things got “out of hand” or were they there just for intimidation?

Another question, isn’t a government official bringing in armed people from outside the area as his private police force illegal?

If so, McDonald should be charged.

