Friday, October 04, 2024

Bonner County History - March 31, 2020

| March 31, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Mar. 31, 1970 – UNION SERVICE SET

Union Good Friday Services will be at 7:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, Fourth and Main. The Easter message will be presented by Pastor Orville Grorud, First Lutheran Church. The Rev. James Doak, Methodist pastor, the Rev. Don Gibbons, Church of the Nazarene, and Pastor Clarence E. Twigg, First Presbyterian Church, also will take part in the union service. The Methodist choir will provide special music.



A number of freshly treated cedar posts were destroyed by fire Thursday along the S.I. right of way near Church St. in Sandpoint. The property of Sandpoint Ice & Fuel, they were among 1,500 posts prepared for shipment. Fire Chief Art Chubb estimated damage at $1,000. No cause was determined.



Grange will meet Saturday, roads permitting.

Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Saunders, is in a Philadelphia hospital receiving treatment on a foot infection. Larry is in the navy.

Mrs. Gene Saunders has been moved from Bonner General Hospital to Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, where she will be in the intensive care ward receiving treatment for pneumonia.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Mar. 31, 1920 – BAND TO GIVE DANCE

The Sandpoint band will make its second public appearance Friday, with a dance at the Liberty at 9 o’clock. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of instruments. Prizes will be awarded: a 20 buck bill for the best waltzers and a huge bouquet for the best looking married lady at the dance, whether she is a dancer or a spectator. The bouquet will be paid only as a tribute to natural beauty uncamouflaged by feminine devices. Prizes will be awarded by secret judges, the waltz prize at 11 o’clock and the bouquet at midnight.


WINDOW BREAKING (to Review Editor)

May I say a word to the boys of Sandpoint? Some are breaking windows in vacant houses and other buildings. Now, boys, those who own these houses pay for your schooling, put up schoolhouses, pay the teachers and buy your school books. They are your best friends and you destroy their property. Is this fair? Be more manly and play fair with your best friends. TAXPAYER



George Sutton, armless wonder of the billiard world, gave locals something to marvel at when he crossed cues in exhibition matches with Earl Farmin at the Elks’ club. A packed room gave his exhibition of skill bursts of applause when he completed difficult caroms with uncanny control of the ivory balls. In the afternoon game he defeated Farmin 200 to 3 and made a high run of 88.

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