Thursday, October 03, 2024

Bonner County History - May 3, 2020

| May 3, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

May 3, 1970 — WILCOX AWARDED

Sheriff Robert Wilcox received the American Legion’s “Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer” award. Commander J.A. Naccarato, Adjutant Herb Johnson and Awards Chairman Lawrence Barker, all of the William D. Martin Post No. 15, American Legion, made the presentation.



For as long as anyone can remember there has been a swimming area on Lake Pend Oreille about where the present city beach is located. But until the 1950s it was little more than a difficult-to-reach “swimming hole.” Before Albeni Falls Dam was built, it was necessary to wade out several hundred feet to reach water sufficiently deep in which to swim. In 1950 the basic park site was established on three acres of lakefront.

The area remained much the same until 1954 when the newly organized Sandpoint Lions Club took on development of the park area as a club project. The Sandpoint Beach Development Committee was formed with Archie Yager as chairman. Directors were: Don Samuelson, James Brady and Dr. W.C. Hayden. Represented on the committee, besides the Lions Club, were the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club, Beta Sigma Phi, American Legion, the Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Sandpoint Garden Club, Civic Club, the City of Sandpoint and Bonner County government.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

May 3, 1920 — FOR SALE

One of the Best 5 Acre Tracts Overlooking the Lake. Krogstad’s old home, 4 room Cottage, Tools, part of Furniture, and one Cow. Family Orchard — all kinds of small Fruit and good Pumping Plant. Price $2,500. See Paul M. Bower.



The Lord Construction company of Hamilton and Missoula, Mont., Monday resumed work of the sidewalk paving which was stopped last fall by early snows and cold weather. The resumption of work is being carried out on Alder street, near Boyer avenue with a full crew at work.



The Wisconsin hotel cafe (207 N. First) [Ed. Note: in 2020, location of The Hive], which was remodeled last week, will open Monday with a Masonic banquet at 6 o’clock. The alterations have so enlarged the dining room as to provide seating for 60 people. In order to be ready for the banquet the remodeling work was so rushed as to preclude a formal public opening at this time.

Five year old William Gorsline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Gorsline of Port Hill and grandson of Judge and Mrs. Will F. Whitaker, is carrying one arm in a sling, the result of a spill with his tricycle which caused a broken cap on the elbow. The accident occurred Wednesday.

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