Sunday, October 13, 2024

Spelling bee, RIP

Hagadone News Network | November 5, 2020 1:00 AM

Recent news about the North Idaho Regional Spelling Bee is a bit of a buzzkill.

On Wednesday, North Idaho College announced that it is retiring from its involvement in the bee, which served as the culminating event for students in grades four through eight in the five northern counties. These students aspired to spell their way to the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C.

For 16 years, the bee was made possible through a partnership with The Coeur d'Alene Press, which paid a sponsorship fee and funded the prizes, including an all-expense-paid trip for two so an adult could accompany the regional winner as he or she competed in the national bee.

In 2019, The Press stepped away from sponsoring the bee and NIC took on the sponsorship expenses for 2020, in addition to the costs to organize and host the event.

"The Press withdrew from sponsoring the program because of diminished participation and increasing costs," Press managing editor Mike Patrick said.

Patrick and former publisher Jim Thompson brought the bee to North Idaho in 2004, an arrangement that could not have happened without NIC's tremendous support, Patrick said.

NIC officials also cited dwindling numbers as a factor that contributed to this tough decision. Students from only 34 schools and two homeschool associations participated this spring. A decade ago, 59 schools and one homeschool association participated in the regional bee.

Reduced state funding for Idaho’s higher education institutions and heightened financial uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 have taken their toll, as well. The bee conservatively costs between $10,000 and $12,000 to orchestrate, including the D.C. trip, plaques, medallions, other supplies and more than 200 employee hours.

"NIC must prioritize its spending," a Wednesday announcement from the college stated. "As a public, comprehensive community college, we must focus all our resources on projects that more directly support NIC’s mission to meet the diverse educational needs of students and employers throughout the region."

Laura Rumpler, chief communications and government relations officer for NIC, said it has been a pleasure for the college to witness the dedication to learning and passion young spellers have brought to the stage through the years.

"NIC strives to be all things to all learners, and we often say we can do anything, but we cannot do everything," she said. "It was a difficult decision for our college to step away from organizing the regional bee, but the months of staff time it takes to organize and the rising costs have led us to re-evaluate our role."

Hope is alive for a different regional sponsor in the future. Rumpler said NIC is hopeful that when the uncertainty around public gatherings and events finally settles, another entity will decide to revitalize the regional bee.

"NIC is happy to remain as an adviser and to help partner where we can," Rumpler said.

Mike Nelson with the Coeur d'Alene School District has served as his district's spelling bee coordinator for several years. He said generally, they're disappointed about the news, but they understand NIC's decision.

"The biggest thing for us is we still want to look at options for our students," he said. "You want any student to be able to achieve any goal they have, and to provide a pathway to the national spelling bee."

Classrooms, schools and school districts are still able to hold spelling bees. However, if a third-party sponsor doesn't step forward, North Idaho would have to withdraw its participation in the Scripps Bee.

"Without a regional bee, that would be the end of the path for our students," Nelson said.

The North Idaho Regional Spelling Bee showcases the spelling talent of students in public, private and home schools alike.

"It is an event that is tense at times, with some pincushion moments, but that's what our kids live for, too," Nelson said. "It provides lasting memories and opportunities to compete against the best of the best."

Organizations or entities interested in sponsoring or hosting the regional spelling bee in North Idaho should visit for information.

Nelson said he is also willing to answer questions about spelling bee coordination and commitments for those interested in taking up sponsorship of the event. Email to connect with Nelson.