Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Bonner County History - Nov. 17, 2020

| November 17, 2020 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Nov. 17, 1970 – LEAVE FOR MOOSE HUNT

Paul Pecukonis and Dennis Hamann left Saturday for a British Columbia moose hunt, after receiving expense checks from the Bonner County Sportsmen’s Association. Pecukonis is taking the place of Bill Crouse, who was first selected. The two men will hunt all this week if necessary, to get a moose apiece. The rules of the club hunt requires that they must give half of any moose meat to the organization.


DUFUORT BRIEFS by Rachel Thompson

Lucille Kalb, Priscilla Mitchell and Kirk Heath accompanied the SHS pep band to Moscow, where they played in the parade, then went on to Pullman to see the Moscow-Portland State game.

Mrs. Lavon Long and Mrs. Wayne Thompson attended a baby shower for Mrs. Clarence Johnson at the Pastime cafe banquet room.

Louie Heath was one of the lucky hunters bagging his deer the first thing Saturday.



Diana Miller was hostess for a shower honoring Miss Kristi Holbert in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Miller, Kootenai. Julie Poelstra was co-hostess. Guests were the Misses Linda Berger, Joann Meeker, Cathy Coulston, Peggy Watts and Louise McNall. Miss Holbert will wed Dennis McNall Nov. 21 at the First Presbyterian Church.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Nov. 17, 1920 – CITY BREVITIES

The Civic club will meet at the Presbyterian church, the program commemorative of the tricentennial of the Pilgrims’ landing.

Jack Blake, of the Sawyer & Mathienson barber shop, had a close call when his car lost a wheel and almost ran off the long wagon bridge, while coming in from his ranch south of the river. He was traveling within the speed limit or would have crashed through the bridge railing, as his car was jammed against the boards before it was stopped.



The Northern, of the Northern Navigation co., was driven on the beach just inside the reef at Elliott bay Wednesday, while on its regular passenger run up the lake. The steamer was proceeding full speed when she struck and jammed tightly enough to prevent its rolling in the high wind which swept the lake for three days. There was no danger to anyone and passengers and crew were safely landed at Glengary.



The Auxer Gold Mines are making plans for development work at their property seven miles northeast of Hope. Two men are preparing the ground for driving a tunnel and five horses and three men are on the trail daily, packing in about 1000 pounds a day of dynamite, food supplies and fuel. They plan to begin the tunnel next week and to have five men working on it by Christmas.

For more information, visit the museum online at