Bonner County Election Information 2020
My fellow Bonner County voters:
As this presidential election cycle is in full swing, I wanted to give you some helpful bits of information regarding everything elections.
First, this election will be a normal election. All of the usual polling places will be open: 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. However, anyone who wishes to, may request that an absentee ballot be mailed to them (last day to request a mail out ballot is October 23). Paper requests may be mailed or delivered in person to: Elections, Bonner County Administration Bldg., Suite 124, Sandpoint, ID 83864
Or they may be emailed (, or requested at the Secretary of State’s website: choose “Request An Absentee Ballot.” NOTE: You must have a current Idaho Driver’s License to Request online, but you may download the form instead.
Early voting will begin October 19, at the Bonner County Administration Bldg., 1500 Highway 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Hours are 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. This has been well attended in past years, there may be a bit of a wait. Please plan accordingly.
Please keep in mind that as the May primary election (due to the governor’s mandate) was conducted by absentee ballot only, the majority of you selected to receive your November ballot by absentee as well (whether we remember or not). By now, those May requests have all been processed and mailed.
If you are one who requested and received an absentee ballot (like I did), please vote it and return it promptly. You may return it by mail (postage is provided) or bring it to the Elections Office and drop it in our locked ballot box (inside the building, in front of Suite 124). You may also take that ballot to your precinct on Election Day, a poll worker will void it, and issue you a new ballot to vote at the polls.
To verify we have received your ballot (give us at least three days for postal delivery time) you may go to the following website: and choose “Check Your Voter Record.”
Here are some important deadlines:
October 9 — The last day to pre-register to vote, but you may do so on Election Day at your polling location (bring photo identification and proof of residence) or during Early Voting. You may also register online at NOTE: You must have a current Idaho Driver’s License to register online.
October 19 — Early voting begins at the Elections Office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
October 23 — The last day you can submit requests for absentee ballots. The application must be in our office by 5 p.m., or completed by midnight online.
October 30 — The last day for early voting (see information above) NOTE: This is the Friday before the election. There is no early voting on the Monday before any election.
We live in the most beautiful part of Idaho! Let’s show the rest of the country what civility looks like in action. We are neighbors, many of us family, and many of us co-workers. We ALL share the bond of calling this place home, where we get our peace. Thank you all for making and keeping this the best place on earth!
Michael Rosedale is Bonner County Clerk. The Elections Office can be reached at 208-255-3631.