Boy Scout Troop 111 purchases a bus
How many cars does it take to load all the gear that is required for the various jaunts of Boy Scout Troop 111?
Troop 111 consistently has 20 to 25 members. Meeting weekly on Thursday evening at the Community Hall in Sandpoint, Troop 111 tries to plan one major event every month. Each excursion has its own logistic requirements. For instance, transportation for everybody, all their packs, winter gear, canoes, food, special clothing, whatever it takes to accommodate the outing.
The group's activities include camping, back packing, high adventure, rafting, canoeing, sleeping in snow caves, and there was even a fishing trip to Alaska. These pursuits work out to around 75 days/nights per year.
Obtaining a bus, to eliminate having to get several vehicles for adequate transportation, became a major goal. Fundraising, building and selling picnic tables, and a grant from the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club made possible the purchase of a bus.
Acquired in late June, and named in July, the Troop has already put the “Ol' Bessy” to good use. A trip to Southern Idaho to tour the Capital Building, Ice Caves, Craters of the Moon, and other spots of interest provided many scouts a wonderful learning experience.
Ol' Bessy was also used to chauffeur the scouts the the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area Trail Head for their 50-mile hike (which turned out to be 64.7 miles).
The bus will be an excellent recruiting tool. Additional weekend campouts and visits to various historical and educational sites are currently being planned for the future. If you would like more information visit the troop's website at