Monday, September 30, 2024

The hardest part to getting fit? Making the first move

| April 14, 2021 1:00 AM

We all know how challenging it can be to slim down and get a little healthier. But, lucky for you, it isn’t really that difficult or confusing.

The hardest part of living a healthier lifestyle is beginning your new program. So, put down that leftover Easter candy you liberated from your kiddos and focus. I’ve listed a few things that you can start with today — no reason to wait another day.

Avoid hunger

Hunger is one of our body’s strongest stimuli and will be absolutely brutal on your willpower. Hunger is also relatively slow to subside and can cause you to eat more than you originally intended. You know how you feel when you walk through the door from being at work all day and you are “starving” and eating the first thing you pick up?

To break this unproductive hunger-overeating cycle, always try to eat before you get hungry. It is very effective when incorporating these two simple techniques. Eat small, more frequent meals. Instead of the big three meals a day approach, try eating five or six smaller meals. When you eat more frequently, there is less time between your meals, and less chance of you experiencing that intense hunger. Include more foods that are slower for your body to digest, like healthy fats and protein. While most carbohydrates leave your stomach within about two hours, protein takes approximately four hours to digest and fat takes as long as six hours.

Correct bad eating habits

We eat not only for nourishment, but also as part of our social interactions. Here are a few suggestions that may keep you out of trouble in “Calorie Land.”

Eating on the run — with the abundant availability of convenience foods, it is very easy to grab something from a fast food restaurant and eat in your car. Plan your schedule to include enough time to prepare and eat your meals in a quiet place, without the rush.

Eating to relieve stress — we have all been there. Come in the front door after a long day and reach for the ice cream because our boss is mean. Try not to use food as the primary stress reliever. Exercise in exchange for those empty calories when you are stressed or anxious about a situation will be much better for you.

Mixing food with entertainment — have you ever eaten an entire tub of popcorn while mindlessly watching a movie? Yes. Make eating a separate activity and you will eat less. When you follow the above indicated tips you will feel better, have more energy and start losing weight.

Obtaining a healthier lifestyle doesn’t take extra money out of your budget every month and, although we are about a third of the way through the year, you can still start that New Year’s resolution that you have been avoiding. Think of this as your new lifestyle and not another silly diet. Get out those summer clothes because here you come.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at