Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Commission matches grant funds, appoints fire district commissioners

Staff Writer | December 15, 2021 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT – Tuesday's County Commissioners business meeting saw $1,616,888.16 of county and grant funds allocated throughout the county for a variety of projects and routine expenditures.

The consent agenda included nine liquor licenses, and $28,808.42 for two invoices for the sheriff’s office. A total of $5,250 will go toward disposable nitrile gloves for the year, and $23,558.42 for parts to retrofit a new patrol vehicles. Two minor land divisions were also approved in the consent agenda for West Ledges View, and West Slough View.

The Clerk's Office asked the commission to approve $1,522,504.82 for claims and demands batches for the county and Emergency Medical Services. These are routine expenditures, the commissioner's approved.

The Bonner County Fair board brought two action items before the commission about purchasing a tractor. The tractor would be used for routine maintenance since the current tractor is too old to reasonably function, Darcey Smith said. The funding will come from the fair's budget. However, the fair board is still deciding between two tractor options.

Both action items were approved by commissioners.

Emergency Management was awarded two grants by the Emergency Management Performance Grant totaling $32,621.96. The commission was asked to match the grant funding with county funds, and appoint a grant administrator. The commissioners approved the resolution.

The Sheriff's Office asked the commission to approve two 60-month leases with Canon Solutions America Inc. for two copy machines. Altogether, the leases total $331, both are routine expenditures. The commissioner's approved.

Justice Services asked the commission to approve the 2020 and 2021 annual financial report for Juvenile Justice services, including funds spent by the Juvenile Detention Center. The report was generated through the county auditor. The commissioners approved the financial report.

The Prosecutor's Office brought a resolution before the commissioners asking them to approve unexpected revenue totaling $1970 for victim advocacy services. The commission approved the resolution.

The Commissioner's Office reappointed four fire commissioners in the Westside, and Sagle fire districts. Guy Lothian, Cindy Marx, Jim Woodward, and Tom Trulock were reappointed from 2022-2025. These are elected positions, but since less than 50% of the seats are currently filled on the fire commission boards, the county commissioners are tasked with filling the positions by appointment. When 50% of the seats are filled, the fire districts will be able to vote on reappointing commission positions within their own district. If someone were to run against an incumbent, the matter would be put to a public vote. There are open positions remaining on both fire commission boards after the appointments made at the meeting.

Afterward, Commission Chairman Dan McDonald adjourned the meeting before reconvening for executive session.

During executive session, Human Resources brought three items before the commissioners. Two about hiring personnel, and one about exempting records.

The Prosecutor's Office brought a resolution before commissioners during executive session regarding litigation.

County commissioner meetings take place every Tuesday morning in the administration building at 9 a.m. Meetings are open to the public. Those who wish to virtually attend the meetings can do so over Zoom, or Bonner County’s YouTube page, where an archive of previous meetings can be viewed.