Monday, March 17, 2025

'Tots' creates millions of smiles

| December 15, 2021 1:00 AM

Millions of lights. Millions of smiles.

During the holiday season, the FantasyWorld resort in Kissimmee area goes all out for Christmas with Night of a Million Lights. At Give the Kids the World Village, the holiday is a chance to become a fairytale wonderland — with more than a million lights creating displays from the whimsical to the breathtaking, from the fantasy to the fantastic.

Between Nov. 12 to Jan. 2, the village because a Christmas memory in the making, transforming the entire area with millions of lights, dancing light shows, a sparkling tree trail and larger-than-life displays to the delight of every kid and kid-at-heart who turns out for the annual tour of the neighborhood.

Added to the fun are a holiday marketplace, visits by Santa and a guided storytelling tour.

There is a 150-foot light tunnel, more than 50 holiday displays, dozens of decorated residential villas, a gingerbread arch, and more.

Started in 1986, the village is an 89-acre, nonprofit resort that gives sick kids and their families free vacations at no cost. Since its founding, the village has hosted more than 176,000 families from all 50 states and 76 countries.

Tickets to Night of a Million Lights allows the resort offer those trips.

The event began as an "inventive pandemic pivot," according to the Good News Network website. With more than 92,000 visitors in 2020, it has been recognized as the top thing to do in Orlando in December.

The event takes nearly two months to set up, and is run by volunteers who, by the end of each Night of a Million Lights, contribute more than 30,000 volunteer hours. But, by the end, visitors are immersed in the magic of Christmas — from the light shows, music, and holiday vignettes.

Also immersing everyone in the magic of Christmas are the Sandpoint Lions, who each year, dedicated hours upon hours into raising money, shopping for the perfect gifts and working to make merry.

Today's generous donations gave a massive boost to the Sandpoint Lions' Toys for Tots campaign, adding a whopping $9,258.27 to the total. Donations were received from: Robert Gooby, $250; Larry and Joyce Anderson, $300; Robert and Kerri Clark, $100; Michael and Carol Markes, $100; Pamela and Richard Forcier, $50; Robert and Marian Rust, $100; Camile McKitrick, $50; Barbara McMains, $100; Douglas and Janice Mueller, $75; Donald and Lori Morris, $100; Phyllis Harris Townsend, $500; In loving memory of Baby Aron on his 47th birthday, $47; Steve and Linda Schaffner, $200; David and Candace Tate, $100; Loren and Judith Spielman in Loving Memory of Loren Spielman, $1,000; Peter and Delores Bilodeau, $200; Duane and Shannon Abromeit, $100; Steve and Tamara Verby, $500; Rufayne Gail Legget, $100; David Mundell, $100; Randy and Kim Powers, in loving memory of their daughter Kara Powers, $150; William and Janice Temple, $25; Kathe Murphy, $25; Paul and Linda Otey, $250; Ronald Mamajek and Denise Zembryki, $100; June and Steven Temple, $100; Jack Parker, $250; Pat and Elouise Rademacher, $100; Duane and Marilyn Ward in memory of Lion President Dell Brown, $100; Stephen and Irmgard Armstrong, $100; Sharon's Hallmark, $350; Wood's Crushing & Hauling, Inc., $400; Anonymous, $150; Hoot Owl Spaghetti Feed, $2,426; Arnie's coin jar, $100.27; Linda Blessing and Bruce Hensley, $500; and The Tervan coin collection, $60.

To date, the annual Christmas drive has raised $27,496.27 of the Sandpoint Lion's goal of $50,000 for this year’s Toys for Tots campaign — the same as it has been in past years. The Lions make the most of the money by bargain shopping, and with the assistance of generous local businesses.

Sign-up applications are available at the Bonner Community Food Bank and on the door of the Lions Den at 609 S. Ella Avenue right by the caboose in Lakeview Park. They can also be downloaded at

Registration started Nov. 1 and ends on Dec. 17. Those filling out the application are reminded to be sure to fill out both pages and return your application promptly.

As last year, the application form includes information for parents to detail a wish list for each of their children as well as their favorite color and TV show or movie. This allows the Lions to fulfill as many wishes as they can.

Donations for Toys for Tots can be dropped off at the front desk at the Bonner County Daily Bee, 310 Church St., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can also drop off donations at Columbia Bank’s Sandpoint branch, 414 Church St., or at the Ponderay branch, 300 Bonner Mall Way; and at the Ponderay and Sandpoint Starbucks.

Donations may be mailed to the Sandpoint Lions Club, Box 414, Sandpoint, ID 83864.

Donations made by check are preferred. Be sure to include a note with your check indicating that it is a Toys for Tots donation. If you wish to make an anonymous donation, please include a note.

If the donation is being made in someone’s name, be sure to also include a note.

Information: Sandpoint Lions Club, 208-263-4118