Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bonner County History - Dec. 21, 2021

| December 21, 2021 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


E4 Douglas Darling of Ft. Belvoir, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. David Darling of Mare Island, Calif., are expected home for Christmas. Douglas and David are the sons of Mrs. Charlotte Darling of Sandpoint and Mrs. David Darling is the former Elly Lou Munson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Munson. Douglas will return Jan. 1 to the Army Engineering school at Ft. Belvoir while David continues his studies at the Naval school, Mare Island.



The Revenue Act of 1971 provides real benefits for car and truck buyers. Here are the provisions of the law with respect to motor vehicle Excise Taxes and what they mean to Ford car and truck buyers: 1) The 10 Percent Excise Tax on certain LIghtduty Trucks is repealed; 2) The 7 Percent Excise Tax on Passenger Cars is repealed. This means lower prices on new Ford Cars and Trucks. Buy Now – Save Now. Cady & Pier Inc., Fourth & Cedar, Sandpoint, Idaho.



Bob Hamilton, SHS junior, had an accident in the Monticola class recently. He was sitting at his desk with a typewriter propped up on its arm. Upon rising to get an eraser, the typewriter tipped forward, landing on the floor. He just did not “keep up his end of the deal,” according to Miss Marianne Brown, yearbook adviser.

“Can I bring my kitty cat?” was one of the questions asked in Mr. Tom Dryden’s accelerated biology class when he announced a “show and tell” day. When it appeared that the class would become a menagerie, discussion items were limited to magazine articles.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Dec. 21, 1921 – CITY BREVITIES

John R. Anderson, Sr., (Note: Pioneer settler for whom Anderson Point on Lake Pend Oreille is named) a 20-year Bonner county resident, died Tuesday at his ranch home near Glengary. He leaves two sons, John, Jr. of Glengary and Thomas, of Marble, Wash., and four daughters, Mrs. Nellie Cornagey and Mrs. Lottie North of Glengary and Mrs. Annie Lenz and Mrs. Josie Beaulier of Spokane [as well as his wife Catherine]. Burial was at Gamlin Lake cemetery.

Aubrey Arthurs of Cabinet is quarantined for smallpox at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Arthurs, on Superior street.

How about a nice piece of aluminum ware for that Xmas present? Frazier Bros.



A group representing the principal and the senior class of the local high school, the two previous classes and the American legion, selected a bronze memorial tablet, to be funded by balances left by the several classes, to preserve the memory of former instructors and students who served in the world war. The tablet is ample for the present list of 75 names and for any others that may be found before the tablet is ordered. It will arrive next spring and will be placed on an easel in the halls of the present high school, until it is placed permanently in the new building to be built next year.

For more information, visit the museum online at