Saturday, September 28, 2024

May you draw closer to God in 2022

by PASTOR CHAD WILKS Contributing Writer
| December 31, 2021 1:00 AM

Happy New Year (almost). If you are anything like me, for the next few weeks, you will still writing 2021 on any document you fill out.

There is no doubt that for many of us 2021 was a difficult year. We saw people go through illness, lose jobs, move away for work, and we said goodbye to some friends and family who got to go to heaven before us and the world became an even more unsure place. I think many of us are hoping 2022 might be a better year.

I say "Happy 2022", but I am not sure that is really what I mean. Oh, I don't necessarily want you to not have a happy year, but I am not sure that is really my best wish for you. Too often we judge how we are doing in life by whether or not we are happy. However, when our quality of life is based on whether or not we are currently happy, I have found we don't really have much real quality of life.

Once in a while I have someone in my office who will say, "But Pastor, doesn't God want me to be happy?" I get the tough job of breaking the news to them that, "No, God isn't all that concerned with your happiness, he is concerned with your holiness." Then I often will say, "Show me in the Bible where it says God wants you to be happy?" Now don't get me wrong I don't think God wants us to be un-happy, but God's concern and plan for us is far deeper than our happiness. God wants to help create in us a clean heart that relies and leans on Him for strength and peace. God wants to create in us the very reflection of His image and character. Sometimes the best refining that takes place in our life is when we are in the difficult circumstances. Because the true mark of our faith and trust in God is best exhibited as we rely and trust Him in the tough places.

So my prayer for you is that 2022 be a year in which you draw closer to God. May it be a year in which you reflect Jesus more brightly and clearly than any other year so far in your life. May 2022 be a year that is less about you and more about becoming the person God created you to be. May the JOY of relationship with God be evidenced, regardless of your circumstances, and as you live for Him may people look at you and wonder where you find your strength. In 2022 may you look more like the person God created you to be, as you learn to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

Chad Wilks has been the senior pastor at Sandpoint Church of the Nazarene since 1997.