Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Sledding on dangerous city streets stopped

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| February 3, 2021 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1921

Dangerous sledding stopped

The children who have been enjoying the coasting on Main Street were stopped this week after two had been injured. The grade of this hill from the top and the momentum with which the sleds slid down it had made it especially attractive to the children, but the danger of it was apparent to anyone. Although this hill was the most inviting, as it is steeper and longer, this street and Wisconsin Street should be barred, as traffic makes coasting too dangerous.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Dancing and dining

A dancing party in honor of the engagement of Miss Sylvia Jachetta to Mike Maio was given at the Settlement Schoolhouse on Jan. 16 by Mrs. George J. Naccarato, Miss Jennie Jachetta, and Miss Jesse Rinaldi.

School Notes: Edgar Morrow and Max Lartz are cooks for hot lunches this week and Velma Shawgo and Ralph Morrow are washing the dishes.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Old school building moved

The old Gleason Schoolhouse has been moved to its new location in Squaw Valley. Many people will miss this building as they pass the place where it once stood.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Salesky files suit

Donald Salesky filed suit in the Bonner County District Court Jan. 24 against Mark Richeson, owner of the Albeni Falls Club for damages amounting to $30,000. The charges claim willful battery with brass knuckles and malicious assault with a deadly weapon against Charles Ashba, who was employed as “bouncer” by Richeson on Dec. 31. Salesky claims to have suffered lacerated face, forehead and lips, ecchymosis of both eyes, a broken tooth in the upper jaw, broken facial bones, a broken nose and partial paralysis of the pupil of the left eye.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Streams closed to fishing

Bear, Kalispell Reeder creeks in the Priest Lake drainage have been removed from the waters open to fishing from July 1 to July 31. Added to waters closed for all species the entire year are those three plus all streams in upper Priest Lake drainage.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Local team won

Winners of the 100-mile Cross Country Snowmobile Race from Coolin through Bugle Pass and down the west side of Priest Lake to Nordman Sunday was a local team made up of Leonard “Curly” Davaz, Phil White, Harold “Blackie Ockert, Lawrence Reynolds and Carl Pitts.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Lumber mill up for sale

The Brand S lumber mill at Laclede is up for sale, according to plant manager Dennis Gomez. “The plant has been offered to a number of prospective buyers and some of them have shown interest,” he said.

30 Years Ago — 199l

Military members recognized

Diane Mercer of the Priest River Chamber of Commerce reported about 2,000 yellow ribbons are decorating the town as support continues to grow for the U. S. service people involved in Desert Storm.

20 Years Ago — 2001

Sweetheart Potluck planned

The newly-formed Priest Lake Senior Center is playing host Feb. 13 to a Sweetheart Potluck luncheon with a Valentine’s Day theme, and all interested Lake seniors are invited to attend. The luncheon is set for 12 noon at the former Lamb Creek Inn on Highway 57.