Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Know your value and focus on health

| January 27, 2021 1:00 AM

Here’s the dealio: Ever since I had back surgery — I was told that I probably shouldn’t run. Yeah, right. You might as well tell me not to wear high heel shoes or to not like the color pink.

While that comment from the surgeon fell on deaf ears … I can’t help but feel super grateful to have the ability to MOVE (And walk, run, jog, skip and, do the occasional cartwheel.)

Nothing good comes without sacrifice. I was reminded of that the other day as I headed out of the house for my morning run. It was cold, I could see my breath against the stillness of the morning. With the pounding of my feet against the pavement and a little Bon Jovi in my ears, I could feel myself gliding into my rhythm that I absolutely love. For those of you that run — you will “get” this.

They say no pain, no gain. However, I say, no change without challenge.

It’s getting easier for me to simply be thankful I pushed through my doubts all in the name of pursuing life on my terms and the goals that I set in motion a long time ago. Regardless of what some people told me that I shouldn’t do or that I can’t do. All I really heard from “them” is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, repeat.

It wasn’t easy, the mind is a “crazy maniac” to retrain but to everyone who is out there trying and on their own path, I just want you to know that you got this and that it is so worth the fight. Keep going. Remember, nobody says what you are capable of doing or being but you.

If you think that being fit is about a certain number or a particular size, you would be wrong. I believe that being fit comes in all shapes and sizes.

And, being a girlie-girl, it’s also about the confidence you obtain in knowing you could kick someone’s backside if you had to. #SelfDefenseStuff

Putting effort into your health and overall strength shows you know your “value” — knowing that your value is not in how you look or what size you wear. Your worth is not determined by a department store size or a silly contraption that determines gravitational pull. Yes, it’s OK to use the scale as a guide — but, geez-louise, don’t let the scale rule your day. #Dumb

What if we paid more attention to what we are able to SHARE with the world because we have the energy, stamina and confidence to do so than being so caught-up in the trivial crap?

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional. She can be reached at nataliedreger.com.