Monday, September 30, 2024

The beauty of differences, each wonderfully made

by CAROL SHIRK KNAPP Contributing Writer
| July 7, 2021 1:00 AM

There is a prophetic passage in the Bible — referring to Jesus — which says, “The Lord called Me from the womb, From the body of My mother He named Me.” I can read this and think, “Well, this is about somebody far more than I. Who am I? What do I mean in this big world?”

Then I read in another place a psalm for God, written by a man who became a king but began as a shepherd boy — the baby of the family, looked down upon by his older brothers, “You wove me in my mother's womb...I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.”

Now that's a thought, “Wonderful are Your works” — and I am one of them. Do I really get this? That I am a work of God. That I am wonderful.

Last week, my Alaskan teen grandson contributed his thoughts about wanting others to “know his name.” His mindset is to get out there in life and make a splash with lots of spray. He's gregarious — loves to debate and discuss — is curious about ideas and learning — always looking for ways to make a thing better or easier. He's an influencer who wants to be involved with others for mutual good.

His brother — a year older at 15 — arrived yesterday, and couldn't be more different. He left Alaska very reluctantly. Not because he doesn't want to spend time with his grandparents — he just likes home. He likes caring for the loons on the lake with his mom. Playing in the yard with his dog. Exploring nature.

Turning 16 next month, he's got a job lined up. He's going to be apprenticing in mechanics — his field of interest. He's got half the money saved to buy his parents' old truck for the drive to work. He's content to lead a quiet life. But he's also the kid who can eat extreme hot peppers.

“Wonderful are Your works!” God — in His creative genius — has formed no two persons alike. We are each incomparable. Each our own — a one-of-a-kind find.

When I wonder sometimes where I fit in my pling in time — to whom do I really matter — I can look inside myself and hear God say, “You matter to Me. You are My creation. You are wonderful.”