Sunday, September 29, 2024

Duo keeping community supplied with huckleberries

| July 14, 2021 1:00 AM

PRT Looking Back for July 14, 2021

100 Years Ago — 1921

Pack rat died happy

Early Sunday morning Sheriff Kirkpatrick captured a still of about 25 gallons capacity on the Aldo C. Newcomb ranch on Upper Westbranch and poured out on the ground two big barrels of mash, in one of which a pack rat was drowned. Information was given about this still when a lady picking huckleberries got too close to suit the owner and he took a shot at her, the bullet lodging over her head.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Huckleberries plentiful

Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Dodge have been keeping the Priest River market well supplied with huckleberries.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Sixty in the swim

Sixty local youths have enrolled in the swimming program sponsored by the American Red Cross. Miss Bty Paul is the instructor.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Looking Glass Mountain renamed

The memory of Harry T. Gisborne, who was the nation’s leading fire research specialist, was perpetuated when the name of Looking Glass Mountain, near Priest Lake, was changed to Gisborne Mountain at formal ceremonies on the mountain-top Sunday.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Local logger killed

Lowery E. Shellenbarger, 46, was killed instantly in an accident at the Peterson Brothers mill Route 5. It is reported that Shellenbarger, an independent loggers-trucker, was unloading his truck at the mill and was struck by the top log as it rolled off the load after he had tripped the wrapper chain binding the logs.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Celebration sees new events

The Priest River Loggers Celebration takes place Friday through Sunday. Something a little different will be karate and boxing exhibitions, and the first horse jamboree ever held during the celebration.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Brrr! It’s cold!

After the beautiful weather over the Fourth of July weekend, it looks as though we should prepare for winter. We may not be having record lows or highs, but it appears there will be one record set this year. With only about three days of sunshine and temperatures in the 80’s, the shortest summer on record went on vacation.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Swim lessons cease

The liability bugaboo has struck again. This time the victim is one of the Priest River area’s most popular summer programs, swimming lessons at the recreation area known as the “Mudhole” this summer. The program will be back next summer, thanks to the Lions Club as sponsor and Mitzi Brower as organizer. For 17 years Marie Duncan organized the program without any kind of “umbrella” organization and without liability insurance.

20 Years Ago — 2001

Local girls chosen

Liana Crill and Kristn Magers represented Priest River at an Idaho Youth Leadership Conference sponsored by the Idaho Association of Idaho Cities.

Stimson Lumber Company announced that Tambi Cork, Oldtown, is an area recipient of the Stimson Lumber Company Scholarship Awards Program.