Sunday, September 29, 2024

Bonner County History - July 15, 2021

| July 15, 2021 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

July 15, 1971 – 4-H CLUB NEWS

The Selle Satellites 4-H Club met July 6 at Selle Grange hall. Dan Hart led the flag salute. Meeting reports were by Becky Meserve, Pam Offermann, Kathy Dockins and Jackie Crandell, sewing; Barry Crandell, livestock; Linda Woolsey, horse; and Polly Hart, photography. Demonstrations were given by Jackie Crandell, Dan Hart, Ken Murray, Mike Miller, Guy Meserve, Joyce McNearney and Valerie Dull.



Marala Kay Gropp was married June 15 to Jan Carl Robertson in the Alberta Temple in Cardston, Alberta. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gropp, Sandpoint; the groom’s parents are Mrs. Nadine Franklin, Sandpoint, and Raymond M. Robertson, Bonanza, Ariz. The groom is employed by the Idaho Department of Public Lands as a lookout this summer. In the fall they will move to Rexburg, Idaho where he will attend Ricks College.



Few people know of the Klothes Kloset in the old library quarters in Sandpoint City hall (Note: In 2021, the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint), but the volunteer institution is called upon when there is an emergency like a family being burned out. Mrs. Jessie Gropp, Bonner County Welfare, helps run the services of the closet although it has no official ties to her department. Mrs. Gropp credits women of a number of churches for their help with this emergency facility. Anyone in need will be helped.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review


The local American Legion post received word from the war department that the remains of John Dellinger would be landed at New York City July 15 and shipped to Sandpoint soon after. The veterans are making arrangements for a military funeral. John Dellinger, son of Peter Dellinger of Sandpoint, was a member of old Co. “A” in the Idaho national guard. His unit was transferred to the 146th field artillery, serving with Battery C. He was killed in the Argonne drive when a high explosive shell struck almost at his feet. He was buried nearby.



Sandpoint’s introduction to the “Neosha” plan occurred Wednesday when local business houses united in conducting the first monthly sales day, almost all firms offering bargains at actual, below-value prices. There was no general rush at any time in the day nor was there any concerted swamping of store clerks, but a steady volume of shoppers passed in and out. Merchants are more than satisfied with the plan’s success, which went beyond their expectations, while buyers have been highly complimentary in their comments.



Timothy, some 6½ feet high, was cut at Turnbull’s Bide-a-Wee summer place on Murphy bay.

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