Sunday, September 29, 2024

Bonner County History - July 20, 2021

| July 20, 2021 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

July 20, 1971 – SERVING IN GERMANY

Army Pvt. 1-C Ronald R. Shaver, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Shaver, Ponderay, is serving as a clerk in headquarters company of the 32nd Signal Battalion near Hochst, Germany.



Sandpoint Town Band will rehearse at the United Methodist Church Thursday at 7:30 p.m. to prepare for performances at Priest River and at Sandpoint’s beach barbecue. If you want to play with the band but cannot make it Thursday, please call Jim Doak.



Frank Thieme, Wrencoe Custom Shop (5th & Oak), Sandpoint, won three trophies at the Naples motorcycle races last weekend. He was awarded a cup in the trophy dash, one for second in the 100 cc and one for first place in the 125 cc events.



Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hawkins entertained a group of square dancers at their home Saturday, with a potluck supper followed by square dancing on the patio. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ron May and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klefstad, Sandpoint; Mr. and Mrs. Blake Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allen, Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bidwell, Priest River; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wickson of California; and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Craine and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes of Spokane.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

July 20, 1921 – SPRINKLING HOURS

After July 25, 1921, sprinkling hours from 6 to 8 a.m. and 4 to 9 p.m. must be strictly observed. By order of the City Council.



John Hahn of Morton was here Wednesday, attracted here by the Merchants sales day.

A.E. Beeman, a newcomer to Bonner county having located near Kootenai, was here taking advantage of the sales day bargains Wednesday.

Mrs. Marcus Zastrow of Colburn was among visitors to Sandpoint Wednesday.

S.E. Thompson of Samuels, returning from Spokane Wednesday, stopped off in Sandpoint.

Miss Florence Lilly of the J.C. Penney company has returned to her work after a week’s vacation spent in Spokane and other Washington towns.



The W.F. Lovejoy home was destroyed by fire Saturday night, its origin still a mystery. The family was attending a hard times party at a home near the Great Northern depot and knew nothing of the destruction of their home until Mr. Lovejoy met them after the party to bring them home and told them of the loss. The piano, two or three rugs, chairs, dining table, sewing machine and a few other articles were all that was saved. All the family’s clothing was destroyed. The oldest clothing had been worn to the hard times party so that all their best was burned.

For more information, visit the museum online at