Sunday, September 08, 2024

Fire crew holding forest fire on river's west side

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| July 21, 2021 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2001

Available for dunking

You can try to dunk the following volunteers in the Junior Miss dunk tank in City Park on Timber Day: Bill Mullaley, Ray Brown, Shawn Keough, Dave Huffman, Tony Lamanna, Brian Orr, Melissa Booth, and Emily Speer.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Hair sent divers searching

A dive team from the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office searched without success Friday for a body near the outlet of Priest Lake after a fisherman snagged an apparent piece of a human scalp. Bill Vai of Spokane reported to authorities that he reeled in a piece of hair and scalp while fishing north of Osprey Campground near the southwest shore of the lake.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Bridge club by boat

Ladies of the Priest Lake Bridge Club were treated to a memorable day last Thursday when they were transported aboard the houseboat of Mr. And Mrs. Art Moore to the Thoroughfare and back to attend their weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. Jan Bailey.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Rafting on the Priest

With mighty splashes, a few misses and shouted encouragement from spectators, the second annual Jaycee Raft Race became water-borne at McAbee Falls Sunday morning. A total of 30 craft carrying 110 persons were entered in the race.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Chief lands in hospital

Don Fiedler sustained serious cuts and bruises Saturday morning when he dove into the water of the Priest River near the Ed Stukel place and struck his head, shoulder and arm on a jagged rock or some other sharp object. Don Van Vleet has been substituting as chief of city police during Fiedler’s absence from duty.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Wind fells barn

The heavy wind Monday afternoon brought misfortune to the Joe Williams family, who live near McAbee Falls. A new barn was being built and was complete except for putting on the roof when the wind blew the structure to the ground.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Death at the pole yard

Clay Cecil Hustead met almost instant death while working at the pole yard July 22. He was top loading when in some manner he fell from the car, a distance of about 12 feet, and struck upon his head and shoulders.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Skirts not to blame

Women’s skirts, whether long, short or medium, have inspired many powerful sermons. But the fact remains that it isn’t the skirts which lead men astray — it's the charming creatures who wear them.

100 Years Ago — 1921

Fire crew holding forest fire

About 60 men are employed by the government holding a forest fire seven to ten out on the west side of the river. Originally three fires, one on government land and two on Humbird holdings, the fires combined and the government took charge of fire control. Very little merchantable timber has been lost so far, but the Humbird Lumber Co. has lost about $3,000 worth of cedar posts and poles.