Sunday, September 29, 2024

Four conspirators convicted in Lincoln's assassination

by ROGER GREGORY Contributing Writer
| July 21, 2021 1:00 AM

A bit of history — in 1865 there were four conspirators convicted in Abraham Lincoln's murder.

Most of us just know about John Wilkes Booth assassinating President Lincoln, but didn't know there were also some conspirators who worked with him.

The original plan, of the pro-southern friends, had been just to kidnap Lincoln, but history says that there was a last-minute modification. And one of the conspirators, Lewis Payne, shot and wounded Secretary of State, William Seward. Two other conspirators, David Harold and George Atzerodt failed in their attempt to murder Vice President Andrew Johnson. Then John Wilkes Booth murdered President Lincoln.

A woman, Mary Surratt, owned the boarding house where the plot was hatched out and was also convicted. However, later, most historians believe that she was not connected with the conspiracy.

Booth was tracked down at a Virginia farm 11 days later, but refused to surrender. He died of a gunshot wound, either by his federal pursuers or self inflicted. It was never determined. The four conspirators were hanged on July 7, 1865. Surratt became the first woman executed by the United States.

Roger Gregory is a Vietnam veteran and business owner in Priest River.