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Bonner County History - June 13, 2021

| June 13, 2021 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

June 13, 1971 – KOOTENAI GRADUATES 11

Eleven eighth grade Kootenai School students were graduated in a brief program: Dara Rigby, Laurel Berger, Tamara Bloom, Steve Van Rossum, Teresa Bonin, Arnold Reed, Steve Ricker, Rodney Stutzke, Cathy Russell, Betty Wise and Pam Kohal. Class motto is, “We’ve Only Just Begun.”



At the Idaho State Employees Assn. banquet June 5, Gov. Cecil Andrus awarded two outstanding state employees for 1970, one of whom was Mrs. Fred (Michiko) Kondo, Priest River, public health nurse of the Dept. of Health. Mrs. Kondo’s (Michi to her friends) duties include maternal and child health, home health services, mental health and prevention and control of communicable diseases. Michi is immediate past president of District No. 10 Idaho Nurses Assn. and a public health nursing representative on the state board of nursing.



Charles Sommerfeld, Lan-Nor-Del Herefords, has been selected as 1971 Bonner County Grassman of the Year. Sommerfeld has 180 acres of land along U.S. 95 south of Sandpoint and rents another 60 acres of improved pasture land. The main property includes four acres in potatoes, 13 acres of grain and 120 acres of irrigated pasture and hay land.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

June 13, 1921 – CITY BREVITIES

E.M. Nedds put over an innovation in location advertising Saturday by putting seven electric washing machines on the sidewalk in front of his shop, next to the Gem theater. The display attracted the majority of passers-by and at times resulted in congestion of pedestrian traffic on the walk.

Archie Dale, Gladys Dale and J.L. Ellis left for Lewiston to enter the summer normal school.

Mrs. J.D. Burt of Dover received a broken forearm when a Chevrolet she was cranking backfired. Dr. O.F. Page reduced the fracture at the City hospital.



D.W. Humiston of Potlatch Lumber company gave a comprehensive paper on “Forest Production and Depletion” in Coeur d’Alene at the North Idaho Chamber of Commerce, saying in part: “Three-fifths of U.S. primeval forests are gone. The timber remaining is being consumed four times faster than it is being replaced. At the present rate our timber supply will be exhausted in 40 years.”



The Boy Scout council selected a summer camp site on Trestle creek, where the creek leaves the Cabinets to enter Lake Pend d’Oreille. About a quarter mile from the lake, the site is interesting, healthful and beautiful. The first scouts will camp July 4. The camp, exclusively for Boy Scouts, will be open until Aug. 6. All Scouts of north Idaho and adjacent to Montana and Washington are invited.

For more information, visit the museum online at