Monday, September 30, 2024

Silence is a call to know the Shepherd

by CAROL SHIRK KNAPP Contributing Writer
| June 16, 2021 1:00 AM

June's camping saga has ended. On the last morning at the lake — a shy sky hiding behind light pearly clouds — I sat on a log on the sandy beach listening to the still water. There is a sound to silence — something Simon and Garfunkel knew close to sixty years ago.

Only what came to me in that moment beside the quiet water was the first few lines of Psalm 23.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul....”

Just hearing the words brings a feeling of calm. When I think of what a shepherd does, it's all for the good of the flock. Protection. Guidance. Care.

Sheep lack for nothing with their shepherd providing.

A shepherd finds good pasture. Stands guard. The sheep can rest in peace.

Still waters do restore the soul. Looking at the clear quiet lake nestled in the forested mountains I felt the touch of God. In the silence I heard His voice.

There is a reason — also in the Psalms — He speaks, “Be still and know that I am God.”

But this world just spins faster and makes more noise. Who has time to be still? Even more to the point, who really wants to be still. There's no peace in that for many people. Silence brings up way too much.

The silence in the Shepherd's presence is different. It's not judging or accusing. There is security and trust.

This silence is a call to know — even in troubles — even amid the pressures of life--that there is God. A shepherd with green pastures and still waters for me. One who knows just what my soul needs to find its rest.

I have to quiet down so I can hear Him speak. His voice is like no other. And once its heard — once I know it — I only want to keep listening.