Monday, September 30, 2024

Priest Lake sportsman indicate support for bluebacks

| June 23, 2021 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1921

Spend your Fourth at Coolin

Spend your Fourth at Coolin on beautiful Priest Lake motorboating, fishing, bathing, rowing and Evinruding. Celebration lasts three days, July 2, 3, 4. A big log-rolling contest. Special excursion rates on the Lake. Dancing in the Pavilion.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Weeds in Bodie Canyon

Peter Paulson was a caller at Brown’s Dairy Monday to get a horse and cultivator to fight the weeds in his fine 5-acre spud patch, as the weeds were too much for Pete and his hoe since the rain. Brown (the writer) is not going to so much trouble. He thinks if he waits a week or two the weeds will freeze hard and he can run over the ground with a team and roller and break them off, or shove them back in the ground.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Sportsmen favor bluebacks

At a joint meeting of the Priest Lake resort owners and Sportsmen’s Association and the Priest River Wildlife Federation held in Wright’s Hall Tuesday evening, it was nearly unanimous that the planting of blueback salmon would not be detrimental to propagation of cutthroat. To this end, a resolution was adopted favoring the planting.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Concrete pouring to be celebrated

At a meeting Monday evening of the coordinating committee, it was decided to hold a “Concrete Pouring Ceremony” at the Albeni Falls Dam site about the first of August. It was also decided to hold a contest to select “Miss Albeni Falls,” who with two attendants will place the time capsule in the first bucket of concrete.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Fire season worrisome

Fire Control Officer Richard Baldwin of the Kaniksu National Forest said the fire season this year is off to a hot, dry start. Records for June this year show higher burning indexes than for the same period last year, and last year was one of the worst fire seasons in the past 30 years on the Kaniksu Forest.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Miss Priest River Resigns

Due to circumstances beyond her control, Mae Berberick has resigned her role as Miss Priest River for the 1971-72 year. According to pageant rules, the title will be handed down to first princess, Shirley Hermes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rush Balison.

40 Years Ago — 1981

‘ZIP’ for Oldtown

A deadline was set for the Oldtown ZIP Code petitions after residents of the area met at the Idaho Hill School. Dick Chafee, who has become the unofficial spokesman for the group opposing adoption of Blanchard as their address (instead of Newport) asked that all petitions be turned in. The current petition asks that the postal service establish a separate ZIP code for Oldtown.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Humble resigns, Simonson takes over

The past five years have brought more successes than failures, according to Bonner County School District 82’s outgoing superintendent. Ed Humble resigned in April to pursue his doctorate in administrative education, and his replacement, Dr. Lorence Simonsen, starts July 1. “I think we now have the best facilities in the state and five years ago we were in a crisis situation,” Humble said.

20 Years Ago — 2001

Priest River dog best sheltie

Priest River’s Western Sky Shelties captured Best Puppy and numerous other blue ribbons at Spokane’s Inland Empire Kennel Association all-breed dog show over Memorial Weekend. The puppy is Healtherland’s Sheer Lace, aka Lacey, a female purchased by Western Sky Shelties for future breeding. Judge was Marilyn Mayfield of California, and Phyllis Langley is the owner of the pup.