Monday, September 30, 2024

Choose to make your health and fitness a priority

by NATALIE DREGER Contributing Writer
| June 30, 2021 1:00 AM

I have been sharing my fitness tips and tricks for quite a while now.

That, in turn, has transformed my career into a full health and wellness company. I am forever grateful that I can help so many people of all ages and those in ZIP codes far away from me. 

One thing that I have learned over the years is that taking care of your body is a form of self-respect — not just for yourself, but to the one who made you.

I struggled for a long time with a “selfish-guilty-weird” feeling that by working out and taking care of my own body — that THAT meant I took a little time away from my family. And, that accordion nonsense made me a crazy woman. BUT, here’s the deal — and hear me clear (because you know I have a big mouth with plenty to say) — you cannot continue to give from an empty cup. You must take care of yourself - everything else will fall into place.

I was a single mom working in the corporate jungle when I began my own journey. I created workouts and fitness routines that I did with my son. We rode bikes together, we played jump rope together, we did sit-ups together. Taking care of yourself and working out doesn’t mean you leave your family for hours and days — it just means you are adding value to your own life and health — and, ultimately theirs as well.

For me, physical fitness is kind of a big deal — as you already know. With each workout I am pushed out of my comfort zone, I am forced to get tough, to trust that I am stronger than I know.

I am grateful for the health that allows me to follow my passion and I believe I am preparing myself for whatever strength or endurance is required of me in the future.

From personal experience I know that when I tackle on the big stuff life throws my way, I experience more peace and less stress than if I wasn’t taking care of myself.

It’s simply my choice to get stronger mentally, emotionally and physically. It will always remain a daily, ongoing process - because if you’re not working on getting stronger, you’re getting weaker … right?

So here are a few ideas to get that inner fire burning.

  1. Find an exercise buddy. When we know that someone else is going to meet us at the gym at a certain time, we are much more likely to show up ourselves.

  2. Get to know people in the gym. All of the people on the bike or treadmill next to me or in my class become a “fitness family" — which inspires them to not want to miss a day.

  3. Talk with your doctor. He or she will be so happy that you’re exercising, and will encourage you to continue.

  4. Chart your progress. What gets measured gets done. Take the time to keep a food journal, an exercise log, or simply write down your fitness goals.

  5. Give yourself a reward. Sometimes the “bigger picture” can be too intimidating. Treat yourself to a little “something” when small goals are reached.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at