Tuesday, October 01, 2024

God's sovereignty manifested through Jesus Christ

by PASTOR BRANDON HERRON Contributing Writer
| March 12, 2021 1:00 AM

One of the great doctrines of the Christian faith is the doctrine of God’s sovereignty. It has to do with God’s Lordship and power over all the universe so that His will, His purpose, His plan, His decree will surely come to pass. In the Bible, nothing can thwart God’s sovereign will.

Right now our nation seems to be at a crossroads. Division, strife, uprising, sedition, slander, mistrust and anger appear to rule the national headlines. The temperature has risen so high and so fast that the thermometer has exploded.

With the recent inauguration of a new president and vice president many are filled with hope and dreams of a better future, while many others feel the exact opposite.

And this is where the doctrine of God’s sovereignty can give us great peace. Proverbs 21:1 says “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.”

This passage is about God’s sovereignty. The king, or the emperor, or the prime minister, or the president is in command, but it’s God who has ultimate authority. It’s God who turns the king’s heart wherever God chooses.

That word, authority, it goes hand in hand with sovereignty. Sovereignty is authority. Where God’s sovereignty is most manifested is through His Son Jesus Christ. How is this so? Jesus has dominion over all things because he paid the penalty for sin and rose to life in victorious power.

No emperor or president or prime minister can save you from your sin. Only the King can do that. When Jesus ascended to heaven at the end of the Gospel of Matthew he told his followers “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

God the Father’s sovereign desire has been to give Jesus Christ all authority in heaven and on earth. Are you tired? Look to Jesus? Are you scared? Look to Jesus? Are you fed up, or addicted, or at the end of your rope without hope for tomorrow? Run to Jesus. He has authority, he will never disappoint, and he will never abandon those who come to him in repentance and faith.

And that’s good news for everyone!

Brandon Herron is lead pastor at First Baptist Church.