Monday, September 30, 2024

Which is more important? Results or excuses

by NATALIE DREGER Contributing Writer
| March 24, 2021 1:00 AM

I keep hearing all the same excuses — particularly the “I never have any time” excuse. (Followed, in no particular order, with I’m tired, I work late, I’m too busy, I can’t get motivated it’s not the right time, there’s no one to watch the kids, I hate exercising, it’s all too complicated. Throw in the old standards of I can’t have my favorite drinks and healthy food is expensive.)

My response? Blah, blah, blah. All I hear is static, realizing that more people are committed to their excuses than their health goals. I am a very black-and -white person — it either is or it isn’t. I am also very passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. It is frustrating to see people, regardless of age, compromising their happiness and most of all their heath, because of some excuse that is dictating their life instead of them.

Who is actually running your life? Whose fault is it that you are out of shape? It’s yours. It’s not mine, it’s not your trainer, it’s not your husband, wife, kids or your boss — it’s you. There are 168 hours in each week (hours, hours, hours) — no matter who you are. Maybe you train for three of them. Really, one hour, three days a week? If self-discipline isn’t in your vocabulary, then hire someone who can hold you accountable. Until then, realize that the choice is yours.

Getting healthier is not difficult in terms of knowing what to do, it’s doing it that makes the difference. Make it a priority and let go of your excuses. I hope this article moves you into action, because just “thinking about it” won’t get the job done.

And now a few thoughts on the workouts themselves. Sometimes, men and women may have different fitness and workout needs.

While many men make it a prerogative to work on their muscle strength, most women will do little or no strength training in favor of treadmill, stair stepper or the bike.

The purpose of women’s exercise routine should be to lower the excess body fat and improve the muscle tone. It does not mean to give up on the cardio you may currently be doing altogether, it means your exercise routine should incorporate some free weights as well.

With a workout that uses free weights, the main difference between men and women is in the chest area. While men should concentrate on the chest muscle, for women the accent is on the upper back, which should give the shoulder blades more strength to pull together and support the chest. It will also give you a better posture. Stomach muscles are the weakest areas for most women, regardless if you have given birth or not. Why, apart from purely vain reason, is the stomach area so important? Because if this particular area is weak, the back will take the strain, which in the long run can lead to chronic back problems. And there is no need for a special machine to help you get those abs you have always wanted, simple sit ups can do the trick. It will take a while, however with determination it can be done.

If the gym is not your thing, then pilates or yoga is a good physical activity to consider as it might not burn the calories, but it will strengthen, tone and elongate the muscle you never knew you had. It is estimated that women who do not exercise regularly over a period of 10 years loose approximately five pounds of muscles. This leads to lower metabolic rate, metabolism slows down and it is even more difficult to lose weight that you have gained.

Now, stop procrastinating and don’t be afraid to sweat a little. See you at the gym.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at