Thursday, March 06, 2025

BFPD grateful for community's support

by SGT. WILLIE COWELL Contributing Writer
| March 31, 2021 1:00 AM

This past year has been to say the least, trying for everyone with the “global pandemic” and nationwide civil unrest ruling the forefront of our leader’s decision-making and media hype.

Law enforcement has come under fire time and again on a national level, making me ponder why anyone would want to enter this field of work in this day and age. The city of Bonners Ferry, has been very fortunate to claim two born-and-raised locals as new hires within the last year. In the face of scrutinized law enforcement on a national level, our newest officers, Scott Davis and Malorie Stippich, have stepped up to the plate to make a positive difference in our small town.

We in the law enforcement community here in Bonners Ferry, have fortunately not felt the current disdain, as portrayed in our national media, of public perception regarding efforts of proactive policing. On the contrary and the focus of my thoughts as I write this piece, is my appreciation and admiration of the general public here in the north state; who are in overwhelming support of our efforts in upholding the law within parameters of Idaho Code, the U.S. and Idaho state constitutions.

Perception of law enforcement action, has a tendency to be directed, or more appropriately, misdirected, by general consensus of a vocal few, without consideration of actual case-law and procedural guidelines in upholding and applying said law. Through the mainstream national media, this skewed perception of law enforcement is very prevalent. I am blessed and honored to live and work in a community that shows so much love and support for the efforts made by law enforcement, in maintaining the structured constitutional order set forth and outlined by this nation’s and states’ founders.

The citizens of this community understand why rules and laws are in place, showing continued support and encouragement to their law enforcement, to maintain civility. It is certainly my duty as a peace officer to do my very best to live up to expectations of those who have placed their faith in my ability to uphold laws that apply to all.

I would personally be somewhat disgruntled, complacent and deterred, were it not for the support of my administration and were it not for the passion, drive and proactivity of this department's enthusiastic up and comers. But more than anything and I speak for my whole department here; it is the support of this community who have placed their faith in our service to them, that sees us all looking forward to our next shift. For that, we at the Bonners Ferry Police Department, will be forever grateful and willing to serve the people of our amazing town.

Sergeant Willie Cowell serves on the Bonners Ferry Police Department.