Monday, September 30, 2024

Bonner County History - May 11, 2021

| May 11, 2021 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Winners in Duplicate Bridge Club play were Mrs. William Wyatt and Mrs. James Spring, first; Mrs. Jay Mount and Mrs. Millard Evenson, second; and Mrs. Erby Walter and Mrs. Dewey Gale, third. The club meets Mondays at 7:30 p.m. in the Elks Club and anyone interested is invited to attend. Further information may be obtained by calling 3-2451.



Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Stilwell announce the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Susan Marjorie, to SP-4 Robert Thomas Puckett, son of Mrs. Leonard Brackenbusch of Samuels and the late Thomas R. Puckett. The couple will be married June 19 at First Lutheran Church. Both are graduates of Sandpoint High School. Miss Stilwell will graduate in June from Eastern Washington State College with a degree in elementary physical education. Her fiance graduated from NIJC with a vocational degree in auto mechanics and is stationed at Ft. Richardson, Alaska.



A June wedding in the Cardston Latter Day Saints Temple in Alberta, Canada is planned by Marala Kay Gropp, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gropp of Kootenai, have announced her engagement to Jan Carl Robertson. Miss Gropp will graduate in June from Sandpoint High School. The groom-elect, the son of Mrs. Nadine Franklin, Sandpoint, spent four years in the Marine Corps and is currently a U of I student.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

May 11, 1921 – CALL EXTENDED

A call has been extended to the Rev. W. Westwood, brother-in-law of Drs. O.F. and J.B. Page of this city, to succeed Rev. W.L. Livingston as Presbyterian church pastor. Rev. Westwood now occupies a pulpit in Baker, Ore. On a recent visit here, he occupied the pulpit one Sunday and made a most favorable impression. After having served as pastor the past five years, Rev. Livingston leaves June 1 to take up the work in Missoula, Montana.



We were all agreeably surprised the last of the week. We had two fine days in succession.

What appears to be old fashioned lagrippe is going its rounds in the valley. Young and old have been suffering from the effects of the epidemic.

Help! Who has a diving suit? A gentleman lost his false teeth in Pack river a few days ago when he happened to open his mouth at the wrong moment and his upper plate complacently flitted from its usual place and went drifting below to join the fishes in deep water - too deep to wade in and too cold to dive in. The gentleman has tried every means to rescue them and has finally given up in despair at their loss and disgust at having to partially “gum” it. It is to be wagered that he will see he gets on dry land before he coughs next time.

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