Monday, September 30, 2024

Pair sell interests in PR, Newport theaters

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| May 19, 2021 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2001

Bank celebrates 20 years

Panhandle State Bank will celebrate 20 years of community banking in North Idaho on Friday, May 18. An anniversary celebration will be held at the Priest River Branch, and at all others, featuring food, beverages, and entries for a grand prize.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Spartan girls claim golf title

The Spartan girls’ golf team capped a perfect season on the links Saturday by winning the title it has sought all year, the Idaho state Class B championship. Annie Martin placed second in the long drive contest with a 1998-yard effort.

40 Years Ago — 1981

It’s a gas station

If you’ve wondered what the mall-type log structure along Highway 57 is going to be, you’ll be able to see for yourself this weekend, as Lee and Linda Lubig open a service station in the two-story portion of the building. They have been residents of the Lamb Creek area for the past year,

50 Years Ago — 1971

Spartans miss by two

The Spartan track team captured second place at the Post Falls track meet May 7. Seven schools competed. The Spartans were quite proud of their performance being that they were just two points short of first place.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Commencement set for May 25

Commencement exercises will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 25, in the high school auditorium with a class of 52 students receiving diplomas. The valedictory address will be presented by Carolyn Davis, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Alvin Hensely. Marilyn Wallace, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Clem Wallace, will give the salutatory address.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Officials sworn into office

William Booher, police judge, administered the oath of office to Mayor Robert E. Dow and three council members, Mike Maio, newly elected, and Mike Lamanna and Lawrence Nelon for city council, both reelected to office. Marion Boyd, a holdover, is serving a four-year term.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Theaters sold

M.W. and M.C. Bennett, owners of the Roxy Theater in Priest River and the Rex in Newport, have disposed of their interests in the Rex Theater to Harry Smith of Metaline Falls.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Doctor locates in Spokane

Dr. R.A. Lower, formerly located here, has now definitely decided to locate in Spokane and will be associated with Dr. Paul Remington in the Old National Bank Building. Dr. Lower will specialize in ear, nose and throat.

100 Years Ago — 1921

Trimming spuds

The following incident occurred in Priest River some time ago, but we have just heard of it. A man owned several tons of spuds; they had to have their eyes knocked out or something. The owner hired two men to perform the operation.

After weary hours of work in the dark, dank cellar they discovered three quarts of some kind of liquid left over from some prehistoric time, buried deep in the spuds. Each man proceeded to drink of the refreshment. One man fell to singing hymns, the other began to preach, his language being flowery and fluid.

The man who owned the spuds appeared on the scene just then, saw how things were going, grabbed the third quart and said, “Well, we have the preacher and the choir — I'll drink this and be the audience.” And thus it was.