Saturday, September 28, 2024

Settlement community celebrates Armistice Day

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| November 10, 2021 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1921

The Settlement celebrates

Quite a number from town and many neighbors celebrated Armistice Day at the home of Joe Saccomanno. The afternoon and early part of the night were spent with singing and delicious refreshments.

90 Years Ago — 1931

5 million feet in jeopardy

The white pine tract of timber on Pine Creek north of Priest River owned by the Humbird Lumber Co. has been purchased by Ike Elkins, Newport, logging contractor. The tract was entirely burnt over in the recent fire, and the logging will have to be done between now and spring in order to save the timber.

80 Years Ago — 1941

New gym dedicated

One of the outstanding social events of the year was the dedication dance given at the new gym on Nov. 1. Music was provided by Norm Thue’s orchestra from Spokane. A short but impressive dedication service broke the dance program at 11 p.m. Following a fanfare, the lights went out, and under a spotlight a large American flag unfurled from the ceiling as Miss Marjorie Gill sang “The Star Spangled Banner.” Everybody joined in singing “God Bless America” and then sought partners for the “Dedication Waltz.”

70 Years Ago — 1951

Gold course progressing

Earl Kelley, president of the River Crest Golf Club, states that work on the course is progressing slowly, but every effort will be made to complete the nine holes before the heavy winter snow.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Five employees of Diamond National Corporation were retired on Nov. 1, 1961. They were Bert Moos, Herman Falk, Frank Anderson, Otto Bergau, and Harold A. Lundblad.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Truck dropped rock

A 1974 sedan driven by Peggy A. Reed, Sandpoint, received about $250 damage after it struck a large rock on Highway 2 west of Dover, the Idaho State Police reported. The rock had apparently been dropped on the road from a state Division of Highway truck hauling in the area.

40 Years Ago — 1981

May soon own Diamond

Diamond Internatinal’s principal stockholder, Sir John Goldsmith, may soon obtain control of the outstanding Diamond stock when discussions with the Diamond International Company are concluded. At present, Goldsmith owns about 40 percent of Diamond International.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Winning big

While on vacation to Lake Tahoe, Linda Lubig of Priest Lake won the $443,588.36 Progressive Jackpot at the Lakeside Inn Casino. Lubig says she played less than 10 minutes and spent less than $10.

20 Years ago — 2001

Patriotism unfurled

Patriotism came to Priest River last week as area schools celebrated the bravery and valor of veterans who made our freedoms possible. The high school band and the Honors Vocal Group presented an “American Salute” concert. Answering the call of President Bush, each elementary school had special memorial services for Veterans Day.