Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Suppiger is an excellent choice for school board

| October 17, 2021 1:00 AM

I am writing to encourage everyone in Zone 2 to vote for Gary Suppiger in the upcoming school board election on Nov. 2.

Early on in my teaching career, I had an experience that opened my eyes to the many different ways that children learn. I had a student that I was told was a horrible reader and was slow in math and writing was, well, impossible. One lunch period I asked this student to stay inside and try to make heads or tails out of a myriad of parts and pieces of three aquariums I’d saved in storage. Forty-five minutes later I walked in he had assembled a bubbling tank complete with aerators, filters, heater and temperature gauge. I was floored. I never looked at students the same way after that.

I believe Gary Suppiger considers and respects the needs of all students. He not only volunteers teaching math before school hours, he supports advanced placement classes in high school, the district’s homeschooling connection, the alternative high school and the high school career technical program — all of which address individual learning styles. Gary Suppiger has proven to be dedicated, hard-working, level-headed and honest. I think he is an excellent choice for the LPOSD School Board Zone 2.

